- He's a rather stupid person.; He's not all there. 他是個二百五。
- Don't care about him, he is not all there! 別管他,他瘋了!
- He's a rather stupid person. or He's not all there. 他是個二百五。
- He spoke as if half asleep or drugged, somehow not all there. 他講話時似乎半睡半醒,或是吸毒了,不知道怎的,迷迷糊糊的。
- Joe acted queerly and talked wildly, so we thought he was not all there. 喬的行動怪異言語狂放,所以我們認為他不太對勁。
- Overtaking is difficult in Hockenheim, but it』s not all about thequalifying there. 在霍根海姆超車很困難,但是在排位賽上就不是這樣。
- And that』s not all: the players』 names are completely editable so you can recreate the team of your dreams! 超乎你想像的精彩遊戲,你不能錯過。
- Mrs Green is not all there, but her family refuses to have her committed to an institution. 格林夫人已精神錯亂,但是她家人不肯送她去精神病療養院。
- It』s not all that easy to find old Dolby units, but when you do, they tend to be dirt cheap.11. 這是叫人震驚的。這是一套完全不一樣的價值系統,一個不一樣的世界。
- Mrs Green is not all there,but her family refuses to have her committed to an institution. 格林夫人已精神錯亂,但是她家人不肯送她去精神病療養院。
- Between male plant and female plant from the same place,the male plant s not all smaller than the density of the gutta-containing cell of the female plant. 在同一引種地的雌雄株之間,雄株含膠細胞的密度不完全小於雌株。
- And that』s not all, either: Moennig』s first job was on the WB series Young Americans, where she played Jacqueline "Jake" Pratt, a girl who enrols in an all-boys boarding school. 馬上生死就交給別人了,我不想故作堅強。然後就推進手術室了,一個人進來讓我把上衣脫了躺著又出去了。手術室里沒有人,外面的人都在聊天。
- He took all there was/all that I had. 他把所有的都拿去了[我所有的都拿去了]。
- He is not quite all there these days. 近來他的神智有些不清醒。
- He behaves very oddly at times I don't think he's quite all there. 他有時很怪--我覺得他頭腦不太正常。
- Juan Sebastian Veron has launched a stinging verbal attack on Inter teammate Adriano, claiming he』s 「not all that good. 貝隆以激烈的言語抨擊了他在國際米蘭的隊友阿德里亞諾,聲稱後者「並不怎麼優秀」。
- It』s not all doom and gloom, however: the flawed RNG will be bundled with a second, more reliable version which will be selected by default. 與服務組裝1,我們在表現、可靠性和兼容性獲得了偉大的進展。
- That's all there is to make a speed dial call. 在那裡全部要進行快速撥號呼叫。
- He 's not in . He may have go downtown . 他沒在家。他可能上鬧市區去了。
- That's all there is to be said on the subject. 關於這問題,要說的就這麼多。