- He' s not a mere boxer : he' s world champion. 他不只是拳擊手; 還是世界冠軍呢.
- I don't think he is really a well man. 我認為他並不是真正健康的人。
- He decided to step aside for a better man. 他決定辭職讓賢。
- There' s not a scrap of truth in the claim. 這種說法毫無真實性.
- He's not a well man. 他身體不太好。
- It 's not a sharp pain; just sort of a dull ache . 這不是劇痛;只是有些隱痛。
- He resigned in favor of a better man. 他辭職讓賢。
- It' s not a house but a glorified hut. 那不是一所房子,而是美化了的小木屋。
- It' s a toy gun ; it' s not a real one. 這是一支玩具槍,不是真的。
- Her brother sowed his wild oats while he was in college, but now he is a better man. 她哥哥在大學時代放蕩不羈,但他現在行為檢點多了。
- It s not a good idea to be necking in public. 在公共場所親熱不是好主意。
- Jack Stanfield:No, it''s not a joke. 傑克:不,不是玩笑。
- He decided to stand aside in favour of a better man. 他決定退出來把機會讓給比自己強的人。
- This guy\'s not a Han, but a Daur. 這傢伙不是漢族,是達斡爾。
- He' s not a fast horse but he' s certainly a stayer. 這匹馬跑得不快; 但很有耐力.
- To be a better man, to be a cooler wolf! 那就祝你成功!
- And I swear to you you'll feel a better man. 我發誓你會覺得自己是個更完美的男人。
- It"s not a 1)lush, 2)tropical island, but it"s close. 不是個草木茂盛的熱帶島嶼,但是也差不多了。
- But i wl be a better man in the future. 但是,未來我會是一個八分優秀的男人。