- He earned four A's in the final examinations. 他期末考試四門功課得優。
- He was unfortunately caught in the shower. 他運氣不好遇到這場陣雨。
- GERALDINE: He s in the boardroom in a meeting. 傑拉爾丁:他在會議室開會。
- My brother had already gotten in the shower. 我哥哥已經在洗澡。
- They were caught in the shower on the way home. 他們在回家的途中遭雨淋了。
- Is there a soap dish in the shower cubicle ? 浴室內有肥皂盒嗎
- Fart and laugh at how loud it sounds in the shower. 突然放了一個響屁;並且自己大笑起來;因為它在淋浴室中顯得太響了.
- Be there a soapdish in the shower cubicle? 浴室內有肥皂盒嗎?
- How do you rap a programmer in the shower all day? 你怎麼使一個程序員一整天都在淋浴龍頭下?
- The snack bar 's in the basement . 快餐部在地下室。
- Where』s the baseball? It』s in the backpack. 棒球在哪?它在雙肩背包里。
- The hot water in the shower do not work. 噴水頭的熱水出不來。
- Experimental Approaches: What"s in the Pipeline? 實驗的處理途徑:是什麼在導管中?
- There are three e』s in the word 「temperature」. 「溫度」這個單詞中有三個字母e。
- Thank You For ThanksgiingThe turkey』s in the oen! 我想不出還有別的什麼東西,有互聯網這樣的包容和博大。
- He' s in solitary for the weekend. 他周末遭單獨禁閉.
- Robert Berdahl: He』s in the Internet business, I』m in the education business. 錢伯斯: 甚至連哈佛、耶魯和斯坦福也不例外。
- Many people say they have seen UFO's in the sky at night. 很多人說他們曾經在晚上在天空上看過幽浮。
- He tends to idealize his life in the army. 他總想使自己在軍隊里的生活理想化。
- It"#39;s in the righthand drawer next to the bottle openers. 在右邊的抽屜里就在開瓶器旁邊。