- He has had an eventful life. 他一生有很多大事。
- He's led quite an eventful life. 他一生經歷豐富。
- He's had an eventful life. 他一生 中有很多大事.
- We had an eventful conversation. 我們進行了一次重要的談話。
- All patients had an eventful postoperative process without severe surgical complications. 全組無手術死亡和嚴重併發症。
- Also had an eventful international career, winning Euro 88』, however he blotched his copybook by infamously spitting at Rudi Voller at Italia 90』. 他還有一個充滿事迹的國際足球生涯,獲得88年歐洲杯,雖然他因為在90年義大利世界盃中向沃勒爾吐口水而有了不好的名聲。
- Odom had an eventful preseason, marrying reality starlet Khloe Kardashian on the eve of training camp and then missing time because of a bruise on his lower right leg. 奧多姆在季前賽事情不斷,在訓練營期間前夕和年輕女明星KhloeKardashian結婚,接下來由於擦傷右小腿錯過數場比賽。
- He had an itch to get away and explore. 他等不及要動身去探險。
- He had an accident and bashed up his car. 他出了交通事故,把車子撞毀了。
- Because of my words he had an unquiet night. 因為我說的話他徹夜未眠。
- However, sometimes there is an event or series of events that over time has an increased affect on SWAT's workload. 然而有些時候一個事件或一連串的事件隨著時間的過去會對swat的工作量產生新影響。
- He' s had nowhere to live since his eviction. 他自從被驅逐出住所以來; 就一直無處棲身.
- Joshua Kurtz: Say we have an event that only happens during the day, and another event that only happens at night. 我們有一些事件只發生在白天,另外的一些事件則只能在晚上發生。
- He 's had his passport visa for the U.S . 他已把他的護照簽到美國去。
- He had an arrogant tone of voice. 他流露出傲慢的口氣。
- We initially had an aux radio on every tank in the company, but the LT's had gone down while we were in Saudi, and since I was his wingman, I had to fess mine up. 起初我們連里的每輛坦克都有一個輔助的無線電,而中尉的那個從我們還在沙特的時候就壞了,由於我是他的僚車,我不得不將自己的貢獻了出去。
- Keep in mind NVG's have a limited battery life. 注意夜視裝備的電池是有限的。
- We surmised that he must have had an accident. 我們猜想他一定出事了。
- Do read on to find out what other things we have in store for you this month and don't forget, Quintessentially is always here to help! Have an eventful month! 還等什麼?馬上打開手中的時尚快報-這個別樣精彩的月份就是我們為您獻上的最真摯的禮物,而國際精英會一如既往,就在您的身邊!