- He's good at having fun. 他很會找樂子。
- He' s good at caring for sick animals. 他精心照料生病的牲畜。
- He 's good at playing Mozart on the piano . 他擅長鋼琴演奏莫扎特的作品。
- HE's good at four languages:chinese,english,russian adn french. 他精通四門語言,即漢語、英語、俄語和法語。
- They may not be especially good at the sport,but they have fun playing it. 他們可能不特別擅長體育,但他們樂於參加體育活動。
- They may not be especially good at the sport, but they have fun playing it. 他們可能不特別擅長體育,但他們樂於參加體育活動。
- Don't worry about that. I'm not good at it either. We'll just be there to have fun and learn. 不必擔心,我也不會跳舞,我們只不過去那兒玩一會兒,學它一點。
- I' drather work with someone who' s good at their job but doesn' t likeme, than someone who likes me but is a ninny. 我寧願和不喜歡我但工作出色的人一起工作,而不願和喜歡我但卻是個白痴的人一起工作。
- I'drather work with someone who's good at their job but doesn't likeme, than someone who likes me but is a ninny. 我寧願和不喜歡我但工作出色的人一起工作,而不願和喜歡我但卻是個白痴的人一起工作。
- I'drather work with someone who's good at their job butdoesn'tlikeme, than someone who likes me but is a ninny. 我寧願和不喜歡我但工作出色的人一起工作,而不願和喜歡我但卻是個白痴的人一起工作。(2002)
- You'll sure to have fun at the party tonight. 你在今晚的晚會上一定會玩得很開心。
- My son's good at driving; he seems to have a feeling for it. 我兒子擅長駕駛車輛,他似乎對此有一種靈感。
- He is certainly good at seeking fun for himself! 他倒挺會找樂兒!
- He was filled with guilt at having failed his parents. 他因辜負了父母親而內心深感不安。
- Don't you feel any shame at having lied to me? 你對我撒謊一點都不覺得羞恥嗎?
- He is good at teaching his students to reason. 他擅於教導學生如何推理。
- Have fun spotting this year』s pranks! 樂趣發現今年的惡作劇!
- He felt affronted at having his word doubted. 他因自己的諾言受到懷疑而感到難堪。
- He is good at mental arithmetic. 他擅長心算。
- He is a fun man, I have fun to be with him. 他是個風趣的人,和他在一起我就有樂趣了。