- He 's an army sergeant. He needs a loud voice . 他是個好軍人。 他需要有大嗓門。
- Wu was always in great ferment when he was painting, and his works exhibit an expressionist style. 他在創作的時候,處於一種高度興奮與緊張狀態,很有點表現主義的味道。
- There』s an old joke that goes 「What does a redneck say before he dies? 有個很老的笑話說「吝嗇的人死之前會說些什麼呢。」
- She' s an excellent administrator. 她是個優秀的管理人員.
- Her father' s an electrician by trade. 她父親是當電工的。
- There' s an error in your calculation. 你計算中有個錯誤。
- She' s an antique, a used-car, etc dealer. 她是經營古董、 舊車等的商人.
- It' s an important guide to the study of science. 它是學科學的重要指導。
- There s an nterestng flm on Channel one. 在一頻道有一部有趣的電影。
- When seeing an expressionist painting for the first time, many may wonder how it differs from Impressionism. 是祝願呢,仰或是詛咒?
- If it』s an action scene we use something tenser. 如果它的行動現場,我們使用的東西上緊發條。
- It』s an innovation point to combine ABC and VBM. 將作業成本法和價值理論結合起來討論是本文的創新點。
- There』s an outhouse in the woods. 原來老外也有茅廁這種說法。。。。。。
- He does not want to be an expressionist painter and find ways to spew his personal emotions out from the depths of his heart. 他不想做表現主義畫家,要怎樣地把個人情感從心底噴出。
- It』s an alleyway next to Sunset Street. (這裡是日落大街附近的小巷。)
- Online gossip has it that it』s an airbrushed hip. 網路上盛傳她的臀部是經過「修飾」的。
- Fries, 69, takes his own advice on aging: he』s an accomplished runner, mountaineer and outdoor adventurer. 弗里斯, 69歲,考慮自己的意見老化:他是一個多才多藝的選手,登山和戶外探險。
- As well as Arnold Schoenberg, Sigmund Freud and Gustav Klimt, it produced Oskar Kokoschka, an expressionist painter of extravagant, provocative temperament. 席勒將此畫獻給在他最黑暗的時候陪伴在他身旁的女子,但是隨即冷酷地擯棄了這個念頭。
- Moved by mysterious forces, like dancers in an expressionist ballet, the calligraphic figures dissolve in black space or explode to create serenity in an electric manner. 在他那多重複合的處理手法之下,我們可以清楚地看到,狂草書法經過激烈的幻變,最終落定在一種靈靜的精神境界之中。