- Why, he'd keel over just with two draws. 嘿,讓他抽上一兩口他就會一頭昏倒。
- He wouldn' t accept that smoking was detrimental to health. 他不相信吸煙有害健康。
- I tried to hurry him up, but he wouldn"t walk any faster. 我盡量催促他,但他就是不願意快走。
- He was a soft-hearted man. He wouldn't hurt an ant. 他是一個軟心腸的人.;連一個螞蟻都不願傷害
- After a couple of drinks he just keel over on the floor. 他喝了兩杯酒後就跌倒在地了。
- He' s such a nervous chap he wouldn' t / couldn' t say boo to a goose. 他很怯懦; 膽小如鼠.
- The sailboat keeled over in the storm. 帆船在風暴中傾覆了。
- He wouldn『 t speculate on whether the president is obligated to get another gift. 」但他不確定布希會不會再送上一份大禮。
- Some rowing boats lay keeled over on the beach. 一些划艇船底朝天地放在沙灘上。
- The ship lay keeled over at low tide. 那艘船因退潮而傾覆。
- If God had wanted men to wear bathrobes, he wouldn』t have invented Jockey shorts. 如果造物主想讓男人們穿浴衣,他就不該發明男用緊身短褲。
- After a couple of drinks he just keeled over on the floor. 他喝了兩杯酒後就跌倒在地了。
- He must have drunk too much; when he tried to stand up, he keeled over. 他肯定是喝多了,當他要站起來時,卻摔倒在地上。
- The ship keeled over in the storm. 那艘船在暴風雨中傾覆了。
- The structure had keeled over in the high winds. 那座建築物讓大風給颳倒了。
- The small boat keeled over in the storm. 小船在風暴中傾覆了。
- The boat pitched suddenly and keeled over. 船突然上下顛簸,接著就傾覆了。
- He keeled over from a high fever. 他因發高燒而昏倒了。
- If only he had lain quietly as the doctor instructed, he wouldn』t suffer so much now. 如果他按照醫生的吩咐靜靜地躺著的話,現在就不會這麼痛苦了。
- The fishing junk nearly keeled over in the crosswind. 漁船由於側面吹來的風,幾乎傾覆。