- He became a clergyman and remained so. 他成為牧師並且一直擔任這樣的工作。
- He became stout as he grew older. 隨著年齡的增長,他發胖了。
- His mood suddenly changed and he became calm. 他的情緒突然一變,冷靜了下來。
- He became increasingly offhand with Victoria. 他對維多利亞變得越來越簡慢。
- He became unpopular even on his home ground. 即使在自己的地盤,他也不再受人歡迎了。
- He became a victim of circumstances. 他成了命運的犧牲品。
- He became an active social reformer. 他成了一位積極的社會改革家。
- As the months went on, he became impatient. 一個又一個月過去,他逐漸變得不耐煩了。
- He became a trooper in the Royal Tank Regiment. 他當上了皇家坦克團的裝甲兵。
- He became an expert language teacher. 他成了一個有經驗的語言教師。
- He became manager but was put down from the office fur peculation. 他成了一位經理,但由於盜用公款而被降職了。
- Later he became a man of substance. 後來,他成為頗具資產的人。
- Later on, he became aloof and silent. 後來,他變得超然離群,沈默寡言。
- He became his uncle's charge after his parents died. 他在父母去世後,由叔父撫養。
- He becomes a maimed man with all one's life. 他將終生成為一個殘廢人。
- He becomes inarticulate when angry. 他生氣時,會說不出話來。
- Once he became rich, he threw aside his old friends. 他一發財就不再理會他的老朋友了。
- After receiving the insulting letter, he became furious. 他收到辱罵信后怒不可遏。
- My father got along in years and he became very quiet. 我的父親上了年紀,變得很沉默了。
- By breaking the rule of absolute secrecy, he became a marked man. 他因違犯絕密條例,成了處罰對象。