- Hayashida Yukio 林田悠紀夫(1915-),日本人,參議員。
- He was shot on November 19, 1915. 他在1915年11月19日被槍殺。
- Italy joined the war on the Allied side in 1915. 1915 年,義大利加入協約國參戰。
- Jin Yian was born in Beijing in 1915. 金意庵,一九一五年生於北京。
- He was born in Scotland in 1915. 他1915年在蘇格蘭出生。
- The Turks erased the Armenians in 1915. 1915年土耳其人消滅了亞美尼亞人。
- He graduated from Yale University in 1915. 他1915年畢業於耶魯大學。
- Gandhi returned to India in 1915 and was honoured as a hero. 1915年甘地回到印度,並且被尊為英雄。
- Thomas had taken leave to get married in April 1915. 托馬斯已經在1915年的4月離開,前去結婚了。
- In 4 years (1915), presided over the county to buildkang xian tank. 民國4年(1915年),主持了康縣建縣謀划會議。
- In 1915 he was knighted by the British King George V. 泰戈爾做過多次旅行,這使他了解到許多不同的文化以及它們之間的區別。
- Nine other states, most of them in the West followed suit from 1911 to 1915. 另外九個洲,大部分在西部,於1911年至1915年起而仿效。
- In 1915, Einstein developed the theory of gravity called General Relativity. 在1915年,愛因斯坦發展了廣義相對論引力理論。
- A bioscientist Hayashida finds out that Godzilla responds to the supersonic waves emitted from migrant birds. 於是出動超級火戰機正面跟哥斯拉交鋒。同時,林田博士亦發現了哥斯拉會受一種電波影響,並且會隨它歸巢。
- In Ebi Plateau, Takashi』s father, Hayashida is digging holes in the plateau to create a spa. 在埃比高原,隆的父親,林田是挖坑高原建立一個水療中心。
- Longrig Dandar, a Mongolian native of Kalak, was born in 1842 and died in 1915. 龍日格丹達爾,喀拉喀蒙古人,生於1842年,卒於1915年,是19世紀末20世紀初著名蒙醫藥學家。
- Einstein expanded his theory of relativity by incorporating gravity in 1915. 1915年,愛因斯坦在相對論中添加了重力因素,擴展了相對論。
- James Herriot was a famous doctor for animals.He was born in Scotland in 1915. 詹姆斯.;赫里奧特是英國一位著名的獸醫
- "Chunxue" by Yukio Mishima was called the maximum effort for the masterpiece "The Sea of Fertility" the first series. 「春雪」為三島由紀夫被稱為最高傑作的遺作「豐饒之海」系列的第一部。
- The man who will bring the LDP's rule to an end this summer is Hatoyama's grandson, Yukio Hatoyama, leader of the DPJ. 而這個夏天結束LDP執政的人就是鳩山一郎的孫子,DPJ的領袖,鳩山由紀夫。