- Hayashi Nobuatsu 林信篤(1644-1732),日本人,儒學家。
- A. He was born on February 22, 1732. 他出生於一七三二年二月二十二日。
- The Manchus, after 1644, kept it this way. 1644年入關后,滿人仍保持了這種建築風格與理念。
- Jain, Ugur Halici, Isao Hayashi, S.b. 放大圖片 創作者: Lakhmi C.
- She was baptised in 1732 and given the name Marie-Angelique Memmie Le Blanc. 她在1732年受洗禮,被取名為瑪麗·安熱利克·梅米·勒勃朗。
- The existing city walls were built in the Ming Dynasty(1368--1644). 現存的城牆建於明朝。
- It was destroyed in 1644 to make room for tenements. 1644年,劇院被破壞,改成房屋。
- But in ad 1644 the Manchus broke through the Great Wall and overran China. 但是在公元1644年,滿州人突破長城入侵中國。
- In 1732, Franklin began the publication of an almanac under the name Richard Saunders (an English astrologer). 1732年,富蘭克林開始以理查德?桑德斯(一名英國占星家)的名義出版年鑒。
- Hayashi N,Ito I,Yanagisawa A,et al.Genetic diagnosis of lymph node metastasis in colorectal cancer[J].Lancet,1995,345(8960):1257. 吳建農;王懿齡.;大腸癌增殖細胞核抗原的表達與淋巴結轉移關係[J]
- When the Qing Dynasty replaced the Ming Dynasty in 1644,it further strengthened administration over Tibet. 1644年,清王朝取代了明王朝,進一步加強了對西藏的治理。
- Yajima S, Hayashi J,Omori M. Continuous silicon carbide fiber of tensile strength[J]. Chem.Lett., 1975(9):931. 馮春祥;劉心慰;楊一明.;連續碳化硅纖維的研製[J]
- But institutions that would really study and teach Chinese were established, first in Naples in 1732 by Matteo Ripa, a missionary in China. 而真正學習並教授中文的機構直到1732年才在義大利那不勒斯建立起來,建立者名叫馬國賢,是一位曾去過中國的傳教士。
- Take for example Nobi Hayashi, a journalist and author of Steve Jobs: The Greatest Creative Director . 例如比康夫林,記者和作家史蒂夫喬布斯:最偉大的創意總監。
- When the Qing Dynasty replaced the Ming Dynasty in 1644, it further strengthened administration over Tibet. 1644年,清王朝取代了明王朝,進一步加強了對西藏的治理。
- Hayashi Y, Imai M, Goto Y, et al.Pathological mineralization on a serially massaged cell line from rat pulp. 郝建軍,激素和生長因子與牙乳頭細胞、牙髓細胞、牙胚分化和礦化關係的體外實驗研究[學位論文]西安:第四軍醫大學,1997。
- Competing against factory teams, Hayashi finished 5th in both Rounds 4 and 5, and finished 12th overall in the series. 競爭的工廠隊,林梓完成第五輪雙方在第4和第5 ,第12和成品的整體,在系列活動中。
- Little RE. Association of father's drinking and infant's birthweight [J]. N Engl J Medd,1986,314: 1644. 韓中明;國永紅;洪軍.;697例低體重兒併發症分析[J]
- Yajima S, Hayashi J,Omori M.Continuous silicon carbide fiber of tensile strength[J].Chem.Lett., 1975(9):931. 馮春祥;劉心慰;楊一明.;連續碳化硅纖維的研製[J]
- In 1644, his family had come at the head of a marauding(搶劫的) army from beyond the Great Wall of China. 1644年,皇帝的家族越過長城,以一支掠劫之師開始了征戰。