- 艾肯,康拉德·波特1889-1973美國作家,主要以詩歌聞名。其作品詩選獲1930年度普利策獎American writer noted primarily for his poetry. He won a1930 Pulitzer Prize for Selected Poems.
- (1889-1945)二戰中,德國的獨裁者。(1889-1945) German dictator during World War II.
- RTCP由RFC 3550定義(取代作廢的RFC 1889)。It is defined in RFC 3550 (which obsoletes RFC 1889).
- 莫貝里,C.A.V.(1898-1973)Carl Artur Vilhelm Moberg (1898~1973)
- 美國國際研究員1973-1976。International Postdoctor of National Institute of Health, USA 1973-1976.
- 大倉鼠(Cricetulus triton de Winton, 1889)種群分化及其環境適應Population Divergency and Environmental Adaptation of Greater Long-tailed Hamster (Cricetulus Triton de Winton, 1889)
- 理查茲·D.W.(1895-1973)Dickinson Woodruff Richards (1895~1973)
- 賈瓦哈拉爾·尼赫魯(1889-1964),印度獨立后的第一任總理(1947-1964)。Jawaharlal Nehru (1889--1964), first prime minister of independent India (1947--1964).
- 作者董希文(1914-1973)是浙江紹興人Painter Dong Xiwen (1914-1973) was a native of Shaoxing, zhejiang Province.
- 布賴特,約翰1811-1889英國政治家和著名演說家,是反穀物法聯盟的一個奠基人(1839年)British politician and noted orator who was a founder of the Anti-Corn Law League(1839).
- 奧登(1907-1973)1907年生於英國約克鎮。Wystan Hugh Auden (1907-1973) was born in York, England, in 1907.
- (1889-1964)和甘地一起為地方自治而奮鬥的印度政治家;從1947到1964年是印度共和國的第一任總理。(1889-1964) Indian statesman and leader with Gandhi in the struggle for home rule; was the first Prime Minister of the Republic of India from 1947 to 1964.
- 他,就是聶魯達(1904-1973)。今年是他的百年誕辰。This year is the 100th birthday of Pablo Neruda (1904-1973).
- 布賴特,約翰1811-1889英國政治家和著名演說家,是反穀物法聯盟的一個奠基人(1839年)。British politician and noted orator who was a founder of the Anti-Corn Law League(1839).
- 中國科學院制定了《青藏高原1973-1980年綜合科學考察規劃》。The Chinese Academy of Sciences formulated the "Comprehensive Scientific Survey Plan for the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau for 1973-1980".
- 津巴利斯特,埃弗萊姆1889-1985俄裔美國小提琴家,他以純正的音調和解釋的能力而著名Russian-born American violinist noted for his pure intonation and interpretive sense.
- 第36屆美國總統;被選為副總統併當肯尼迪遇刺後繼任肯尼迪(1908-1973)。36th President of the United States; was elected Vice President and succeeded Kennedy when Kennedy was assassinated (1908-1973).
- 焦耳,詹姆斯 普雷斯科特1818-1889英國物理學家,為熱量機械理論奠定基礎,並發現了熱力學第一定律British physicist who established the mechanical theory of heat and discovered the first law of thermodynamics.
- 新大嶼山巴士1973有限公司就透露更詳盡財務及營運資料提交的文件Paper from New Lantao Bus Co., 1973 Ltd on Fuller Disclosure of Financial and Operational Information
- 奧格登,查爾斯·凱1889-1957英國心理學家和教育家,設計了基礎英語-由850個片語成的簡化英語形式。A city of northern Utah north of Salt Lake City. Settled by Mormons in the1840's,it is a railroad junction with aerospace and other varied industries. Population,63,909.