- On the 2006 Autumn Auction by Sungari International Auction Co. 古今咸集 精品薈萃 中貿聖佳2006年秋拍點評
- His art works are full of humor. 他的作品輕鬆幽默,鮮明的色彩強烈對比。
- Literary works are art works of language. 文學作品是一種語言文學的藝術。
- The whole statue is a precious art work. 這尊像是一件珍貴的藝術品。
- Tourists can create your own art work. 讓遊客可以親自參與創作,做出屬於自己的作品。
- What precisely is the art work? The glass of water? 那麼這份作品是什麼呢?是這杯清水嗎?
- They also saw small art work made by Peking Man. 他們還看見北京人所留下的小的藝術作品。
- You can enjoy dancing in the plaza and the art works. 你可以在廣場跳,欣賞藝術作品。
- This piece of art work has achieved the acme of perfection. 這件工藝品達到了盡善盡美的程度。
- Today we will focus on the art works of the Renaissance. 今天我們把重點放在文藝復興時期的作品上。
- Montage Several images assembled into one piece of art work. 把多個影像組合為一的美朮作品。
- Montage: Several images assembled into one piece of art work. 混合畫(蒙太奇):把多個影像組合為一的美術作品。
- Self-guided tour to Harvard Sackler Museum: analyze an art work. 自助參觀哈佛Sackler博物館:分析一件藝術作品。
- Excellent arts works live for ever and ever. 讓真藝術品永遠留傳。
- Who bows the knee to the art work of the Apollo Belvedere in the Vatican now? 現在誰還向梵蒂岡的阿波羅·貝爾維迪藝術品頂禮膜拜呢?
- These art works bear witness to the creativeness of the Chinese people. 這些藝術作品是中國人民創造性的見證。
- Good literature and art works should suit both refined and popular tastes. 優秀的文藝應該是雅俗共賞的。
- Chinese art works stress alikeness not only in appearance but also in spirit. 中國藝術作品不僅講究形似,而且講究神似。
- These plain-style art works display local people's strong love of life. 這些風格質樸的藝術作品表達著錦州人對生活真切的熱愛。
- Internet service, management consultant and experiential training, art works. 互聯網服務,管理諮詢,團隊培訓,藝術品。