- It will be a bipolar HVDC system using two cables. 它是一個使用雙線的雙電極HVDC系統。
- Control and protect section is the most pivotal section in HVDC system. 高壓直流輸電系統中最關鍵的部分是控制保護部分。
- Back to back HVDC system had been used to join AC systems. 背靠背高壓直流輸電(HVDC)系統已經在交流系統連網中得到了應用。
- The mathematical model and the active and reactive power independent control strategy of VSC - HVDC system is studied. 對基於電壓源換流器的直流輸電(VSC-HVDC)系統的數學模型和有功、無功功率獨立控制策略進行了研究。
- In HVDC system, It is meaningful to search for a new way to mearsure the harmonic current. 在高壓直流輸電系統中,研究運用新的測量諧波電流的方法和技術有著重要的意義。
- Stations in Northern Manitoba are connected by a HVDC system, the Nelson River Bipole, to customers in the south. 位於馬尼托巴省北部的發電站使用高壓直流電系統來傳送電力到人口密度較高的南部。
- The mathematical models, such as the linearized model of large hydrogenerater which takes thesalient pole effect into consideration with a HVDC system , and the PNE controller with a powersystem stabilizor(PSS),are built. 詳細地建立了考慮凸極效應並帶有高壓直流輸電系統的大型水輪發電機組的線性化模型以及帶有電力系統穩定器(PSS)的正負勵磁控制系統的數學模型;
- Commutation failures are one of the common faults in HVDC systems. 換相失敗是直流系統的最常見故障之一。
- In addition to handling the power exchange, this sophisticated HVDC system can stabilize voltages and frequencies on Sardinia. 除了處理電力轉換交流,該複雜的HVDC系統還可以穩定撒丁島的電壓和頻率。
- A way of harmonic measurement based on Rogowski coil in HVDC system is introduced in this paper, the corresponding circuit is designed. 針對HVDC(直流高壓)系統直流側電網裡的諧波,提出了基於羅氏線圈的測量方法,並設計了相應的電路。
- A wide-area measurement system(WAMS)based fuzzy adaptive coordinative damping controller is developed for multi-infeed HVDC system. 提出一種基於廣域測量系統的多饋入高壓直流(HVDC)模糊自適應協調阻尼控制器。
- The first of the 10 converter transformers using 800-kV technology for the HVDC system in China will be quickly followed by others. 第一次的10個換流變壓器採用800千伏技術,高壓直流輸電系統在中國將很快應用,然後推廣開來。
- To meet the demands and minimize the operation cost of power system, as a novel technology, HVDC system will play an increasingly important role. 為了滿足用戶的巨大需求、提高系統的經濟性,高壓直流系統作為新興技術正在發揮關鍵作用。
- However, the ADF controller design is very difficulty employing conventional technique for overlong distance overhead DC line in HVDC system. 但是,對於超長距離架空線路的HVDC系統,ADF的控制器難以按常規方法設計。
- The Principle and Construction Essential of HVDC System Earth Pole 高壓直流輸電系統接地極原理及其施工要點
- On-line Monitoring System for HVDC System Earth Pole 高壓直流輸電系統接地極在線監測
- A multi-infeed HVDC system model including AC/DC parallel lines was established, and the relation between its mutual admittance and converter commutation failure was analyzed. 建立了2條交、直流並聯的多饋入高壓直流輸電系統模型,並對此模型的直流輸電線的耦合導納和換相失敗關係進行詳細的理論分析研究。
- The operation principle and features of a new type HVDC insulation monitoring system were introduced.A scheme of HVDC system earth-fault detection was presented. 介紹了一種新型直流系統絕緣監測系統的工作原理及其特點,提出一種直流系統接地故障檢測的方案。
- Based on electrical circuit theory, the formulation of the relation between mutual admittance and converter commutation voltage of the multi-infeed HVDC system was given. 基於電路基本理論知識,推導出多饋入交、直流並聯的高壓直流輸電系統耦合導納和換相電壓關係表達式。
- An electro-magnetic transient state simulation software named EMTDC/PSCAD was used to set up a simulation model of HVDC system to investigate the typical power system faults. 首先利用電磁暫態模擬軟體EMTDC/PSCAD建立系統模型,對常見故障進行模擬研究。