- Rényi熵Rényi entropy
- GY系列中大型超聲波清洗機GY series medium and large scale ultrasonic rinsing machine
- Erdos-Rényi隨機網路Erdos-Rényi random network
- GY法浮選黑白鎢新工藝的研究New Technological Research on Flotation of Wolframite and Scheelite Using GY Chelating Collector
- Hájeck-Rènyi不等式the Hájeck-Rènyi inequality
- 鼻咽癌組織照射2 Gy前後基因表達差異研究The changes of gene express profile of nasopharyngeal carcinoma tissue before and after the radiotherapy of 2 Gy
- Hájek-Rényi型最大值不等式Hájek-Rényi type maximal inequality
- 337條款Section 337
- Háyek-Rényi型最大值不等式Háyek-Rényi type maximal inequality
- 337調查337 investigation
- 337鈾礦床uranium deposit No. 337
- 導入由APN啟動子驅動的MnSOD基因,使KGla細胞比對照組對射線(10 Gy)的耐受性提高3.7倍。The resistance to radiation increased 3.7 folds at the dose of 10 Gy compared with parental cells in KGla cell line transduced with MnSOD gene drived by APN promoter.
- 「337條款」"337 Clause"
- 「337」條款"Section 337"
- 以等中心點歸一,給與處方劑量60 Gy/30F,3種照野所覆蓋的腫瘤體積佔GTV的36%、94%、100%,佔CTV 23%、85%、92%。by prescription dose 60 Gy/30F,the covered part of GTV and CTV are 36%25,94%25,23%25 and 85%25,92%25,100%25.
- 剖宮產術337例指征分析A clinical analysis of operation indications of 337 cases of cesarean section
- 輻照脫蛋白 DNA誘導的 DSB產額為 0 .4 0 DSBs/1 0 0 Mbp/Gy,輻照完整細胞誘導的 DSB產額約為 0 .1 9DSBs/1 0 0 Mbp/Gy。The yield of DSB in deproteinized DNA is 0 40 DSBs/100 Mbp/Gy,while that in the intact cells is 0 19 DSBs/100 Mbp/Gy.
- 337條款與世貿組織的矛盾性five-synthesized mechanism
- 美國黑人:0.180、0.483、0.337;II 0.180, ID 0.483,DD 0.337 in black American;
- 方法立體定向適形放射治療系統治療198例原發性中晚期肝癌患者,6 MV X射線使90%等劑量曲線包繞100%的劑量體積,照射劑量48~63 Gy/ 6~9 f,共12~18 d。Methods Altogether 198 patients with advanced HCC underwent three-dimensional conformal radio therapy (3D-CRT) in a dose range 48 to 63 Gy in 6 to 9 fractions completed in a course of 12 to 18 d. The total clinical tumor volume (CTV) received more than 90%25 of the prescribed irradiation dose delivered through 6MV X ray.