- 卒abruptly
- 6例可回收性Gunther Tulip Filter(GTF)濾器兩周后經右頸內靜脈取出。12 cases were taken out of inferior vena cava through femoral vein in 16 recovery Opt Ease~(TM) Filter,and 6 recovery Gunther tulip filter(GTF) were taken out of inferior nena cava through right internal jugular vein.
- 437例軍隊離休幹部健康狀況分析Analysis on Health Status of 437 Cases of Retired Legionary Cadre
- 卒中apoplexia
- 批評性話語分析是自七十年代末由以Roger Fowler和Gunther Kress等為代表的西方語言學家發展起來的話語分析方法。Critical discourse analysis (CDA) was developed by Roger Fowler and Gunther Kress, etc. from the late 1970s. It focuses on social problems, and especially on the role of discourse in the production and reproduction of power abuse or domination.
- 我院437例藥品不良反應報告的分析Analysis of 437 ADR Cases in Our Hospital
- 腦卒中cerebrovascular disorder
- 頸椎病腰曲改變437例X線片分析報告The analysis report of 437 patients'X-ray films with cervical spondylosis and lumbar curvature change
- 特高含水期油田開發潛力分析--以雙河油田437塊為例An Analysis on Production Potentials of An Oilfield in Super-high Water-cut Stage--Taking Block 437 in Shuanghe Oilfield as An Example
- 這是丟卒保車。This was sacrificing a pawn to save a rook.
- 盎司美國度量衡制的一個重量單位,常衡等於437。5格令(28。35克)A unit of weight in the U.S. Customary System,an avoirdupois unit equal to 437.5 grains(28.35 grams).
- "傳說該書作者約生於一零八零年,卒於一一叄零年。"The author of this book was said to be born circa1080 and die in1130.
- 球道:437碼,標準桿4桿,起伏性球道,果嶺前沿30米處有一小溪,給球手以威脅。Fairway 10:437yd,par4,undulated fairway and a stream at the front edge of the freen which theatens golfers.
- 垂體卒中pituitary apoplexy
- 廝輿之卒The firewood cutters and the grooms
- 一個正確的引用是:Wagen v. Ford Motor Co., 97 Wis. 2d 260, 294 N.W. 2d 437 (1980),A correct citation would be Wagen v. Ford Motor Co., 97 Wis. 2d 260, 294 N.W. 2d 437 (1980).
- 卒以外的棋子象棋子中除卒以外的任一個棋子Any one of the chess figures other than a pawn.
- 卒其事finish the job; wind up the business
- 戍卒garrison soldier
- 卒歲get through the year