- The path of an aircraft or rocket through the air. 飛機或火箭在空中飛行的軌跡。
- A device that directs the course of an aircraft or a missile. 導航裝置指將飛機或導彈的航向的裝置
- guided aircraft missile; guided air rocket 機載導彈
- Explosive power of a bomb or warhead carried in an aircraft or a missile. (飛行器或導彈所攜的炸彈或彈頭的)炸藥量。
- To maintain normal air pressure in(an enclosure,as an aircraft or a submarine). 使(封閉物里如飛機或潛艇中)維持正常的氣壓。
- To have a tendency to veer in the direction of the wind. Used of an aircraft or a missile. 易於轉為迎風易於轉為迎風。用于飛行器或導彈
- Designed for defense,especially from a surface position,against aircraft or missile attack. 防空的設計用來防禦的,尤指在地面位置防禦飛機或導彈襲擊的
- Flight in an aircraft or a spacecraft. 飛行在飛機或飛行器中飛行
- A very strong gust of wind or air. 強風一陣突然的強風或氣流
- To operate an aircraft or spacecraft. 駕駛操縱飛機或飛行器
- Calculations showed that a new type air to air missile installing on the remodeled military aircraft could get a better affordability than its prototype. 通過計算可知,在改型飛機上加裝新型空空導彈可使改型飛機的可承受性優於原型機;
- To pilot(an aircraft or a spacecraft). 駕駛(太空飛船)
- Which do you like better, sea travel or air travel? 你比較喜歡海上旅行還是空中旅行?
- To prevent(an aircraft or a pilot) from flying. 使停飛使(飛機或飛行員)停止飛行
- A passage for drawing up smoke or air. 上風井,上風煙道發散煙或空氣的通道
- Training Guided Aircraft Missile 教練航空導彈
- Are they keyboard operators or air hostesses? 她們是鍵盤操作員還是空姐?
- A frame on which clothes are hung to dry or air. 晒衣架用來掛衣服晾曬的架子
- Designed for defense, especially from a surface position, against aircraft or missile attack. 防空的設計用來防禦的,尤指在地面位置防禦飛機或導彈襲擊的
- Is there heat or air conditioning in the cab? 駕駛室里是否有暖風機或者是空調?