- Many great people rose from poor backgrounds -- Lincoln for example. 很多偉人出身貧寒,林肯就是一例。
- Great people will tell you their secrets. 他們曾樂於提出成功的秘訣。
- How many great People have been born in America? 在美國有多少偉人出生?
- Chinese people are great people. 中國人是偉大的民族。
- Truly great people are so humble! 真正偉大的人是多麼地謙卑啊!
- Even the great people can make mistakes. 即使是偉人也會犯錯誤。
- Hiring great people is brutally hard. 招聘到優秀的員工更是難上加難。
- The Chinese people are a great people. 中國人民是偉大的民族。
- Well, great people are working on it. 好吧,偉大的人們正在處理它。
- Microsoft employs over 100 great people from MIT. 微軟超過100個偉大的人們從麻州理工學院僱用。
- Great People Decisions by Claudio Fernandez Araoz. 我有一本書介紹給讀者,希望對大家有啟發。
- There lived a great people -- a black people -- who injected new meaning and dignity into the veins of civilization. 曾經有個民族--一群黑人--他們為文化的血脈注入了新的意義與尊嚴。
- The great People's Republic of China can never be bullied. 偉大的中華人民共和國是不可欺的!
- Many great people rise from poor background -- Lincoln for example. 很多偉人出身貧寒,林肯就是一例。
- As you said in your toast, the Chinese people are a great people. 正如你在祝酒詞中講的那樣,中國人民是偉大的人民。
- The great People's Republic of China is not to be insulted. 偉大的中華人民共和國是不可侮辱的。
- It had a great brand and great people, but its business was broken. 它有了不起的品牌和了不起的人,業務卻混亂不堪。
- Many great people rise from poor background - lincoln for example. 很多偉人出身貧寒,林肯就是一例。
- As you said in your toast,the Chinese people are a great people. 正如您在祝酒詞里講的那樣,中華民族是一個偉大的民族。
- Many great people will be gracing the opening night of the play. 許多重要人物的光臨將為此劇的首演增色不少。