- (1857-1894)人工製造電磁波的德國物理學家。German physicist who was the first to produce electromagnetic waves artificially (1857-1894).
- 1929-1923年飢荒faminie from 1929 to 1933
- 任熊(1822-1857)、任薰(1835-1893)兩兄弟曾師法明末畫家陳洪綬Ren Xiong (1822-1857) and Ren xun (1835-1893) were brothers who had learned from painter Chen Hongshou of the late Ming Dynasty.
- 1929-1933年經濟危機economic crisis in 1929-1933
- 任熊(1822-1857)、任薰(1835-1893)兩兄弟曾師法明末畫家陳洪綬,Ren Xiong (1822-1857) and Ren Xun (1835-1893) were brothers who had learned from painter Chen Hongshou of the late Ming Dynasty.
- 約瑟夫·康拉德(1857-1924)被西方評論家譽為20世紀最傑出的英國小說家之一。Joseph Conrad is acclaimed as one of the most outstanding British writers of the twentieth century.
- 尤爾根·哈貝馬斯(J(?) rgen Habermas,1929-)是當代著名的思想家。Jiirgen Habermas (1929-) is a famous thinker in our contemporary era.
- 克拉倫斯 - 達羅(1857-1938),是美國的一位律師,他還是演說家,辯論家和雜文作家。Clarence Darrow (1857--1938), American Lawyer, public speaker, debater, and miscellaneous writer.
- 米老鼠的聲望而來的米老鼠俱樂部1929舉行了每個星期六下午,在當地卡通、遊戲廳。Mickey Mouse's popularity spawned a Mickey Mouse Club in 1929 which met every Saturday for an afternoon of cartoons and games in local theaters.
- 經過考證,特別指出《金石識別》的藍本是manual of Mineralogy(1857),並指出至少存在四種版本。Based on textualthe authors especially point out that the original version of ]in Shi ShiBie is Manual of Mineralogy(1857),and there are at least four editions.
- 伯林納,埃米爾1851-1929德裔美國發明家,大大改進了電話並於1887年發明了留聲機German-born American inventor who greatly improved the telephone and invented the gramophone(1887).
- 英籍波蘭裔作家約瑟夫·康拉德(Joseph Conrad,1857-1924)是19世紀末二十世紀初極為重要的英國作家。Joseph Conrad (1857-1924), Polish-born English novelist, is considered to be one of the greatest modern English writers.
- 席格蒙迪,理查德 阿道夫1865-1929德國化學家,因研究膠體溶液而獲得了1925年的諾貝爾獎German chemist.He won a1925Nobel Prize for work on colloid solutions.
- 蓋爾曼·默里,默里生於1929美國物理學家,因其對次原子粒子的研究獲1969年諾貝爾獎American physicist.He won a1969Nobel Prize for his study of subatomic particles.
- 繆塞,(路易斯·查爾斯)艾爾弗雷德1810-1857法國作家,是法國浪漫主義運動的領導詩人,他也寫諷刺喜劇,比如羅朗札齊奧1834年French writer. A leading poet of the French romantic movement, he also wrote comedies of manners, such as Lorenzaccio(1834).
- 蕭友梅於1923年所作的管弦樂曲《新霓裳羽衣舞》及黃自在美國學習時之畢業作品〈懷舊》(1929),The orchestral piece New Raiment of Rainbow and Feather Dance, composed by Xiao Youmei in 1923 and Nostalgia, Huang Zi's graduation composition when he was studying in america in 1929
- 尤爾根·哈貝馬斯(Jurgen Habermas 1929-)當代著名的思想家,法蘭克福學派第二代領軍人物。Jurgen Habermas (1929-) is a famous thinker in our contemporary era and he is a leader of the second generation of Frankfurt School .
- 約瑟夫·康拉德(1857-1924) 是二十世紀英國文壇上傑出的小說家。 他是一位勇於創新的作家,努力嘗試著用新的視角來詮釋其對於生活的理解。Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) was an outstanding and innovative British novelist in the 20th century, who strives to find a new form to convey his understanding of life.
- 卡曼,(威廉)布利斯1861-1929加拿大詩人,以洋溢奔放的歌頌大自然的詩著稱。作品有詩集大普瑞湖的低潮(1893年)Canadian poet noted for his ebullient nature poems,including the collection Low Tide on Grand Pr?1893.
- 卡曼,(威廉)布利斯1861-1929加拿大詩人,以洋溢奔放的歌頌大自然的詩著稱。作品有詩集大普瑞湖的低潮(1893年)Canadian poet noted for his ebullient nature poems, including the collection Low Tide on Grand Pr?1893).