- 有利銀行5元鈔票18665 Note of the Chartered Mercantile Bank 1866
- 孫文1866 1925出現於下列錢鈔Sun Yat-Sen 1866 1925 appears on the following banknote
- (1826-1866)非歐幾里得幾何的創立者。pioneer of non-Euclidean geometry (1826-1866).
- 阿爾姆克維斯特,C.J.L.(1793-1866)Carl Jonas Love Almqvist (1793~1866)
- 子宮頸淋球菌解脲支原體人型支原體和沙眼衣原體感染1866例分析Clinical study on the infections of neisseria gonorrhoeae, ureaplasma urealyticum, mycoplasma hominis and chlamydia trachomatis in cervices in 1866 cases
- 西易,托馬斯·傑斐遜·傑克遜1866-1962美國天文學家和數學家,他觀測了雙星座並發展了萬有引力波理論American astronomer and mathematician who investigated double stars and developed the wave theory of gravitation.
- 西易,托馬斯 傑斐遜 傑克遜1866-1962美國天文學家和數學家,他觀測了雙星座並發展了萬有引力波理論American astronomer and mathematician who investigated double stars and developed the wave theory of gravitation.
- 帕藤,吉爾伯特1866-1945美國作家,他創造了英雄人物弗蘭克·梅里威爾的形象,寫了許多兒童歷險故事。American writer who created the hero Frank Merriwell and wrote numerous children's adventure stories.
- 馬洛,尤莉婭1866-1950英裔美國女演員,以她與丈夫愛德華 休 薩森出演的許多莎士比亞劇作品中的對手戲而聞名English playwright and poet whose development of blank verse influenced Shakespeare. His plays include Tamburlaine the Great(c.1587) and Edward II(c.1592).
- 艾德,喬治1866-1944美國幽默作家,其報紙專欄,戲劇以及書籍,例如俚語寓言故事(1899年),反映了普通人的幽默感及見識American humorist whose newspaper columns,plays,and books,such as Fables in Slang(1899,reflect the humor and common sense of ordinary people.
- 馬洛,尤莉婭1866-1950英裔美國女演員,以她與丈夫愛德華·休·薩森出演的許多莎士比亞劇作品中的對手戲而聞名English playwright and poet whose development of blank verse influenced Shakespeare. His plays include Tamburlaine the Great(c.1587) and Edward II(c.1592).
- 艾德,喬治1866-1944美國幽默作家,其報紙專欄,戲劇以及書籍,例如俚語寓言故事(1899年),反映了普通人的幽默感及見識American humorist whose newspaper columns, plays, and books, such as Fables in Slang(1899), reflect the humor and common sense of ordinary people.
- 他最受歡迎的作品出現在19世紀60年代,特別是《美麗的海倫》(1864),《巴黎人的生活》(1866),《熱羅爾坦公爵夫人》(1867),《佩莉紹萊》(1868)。His most popular compositions appeared in the 1860's, notably La Belle Helene (1864), La Vie Parisienne (1866), La Grande-duchesse de Gerolstein (1867) and La Perichole (1868).