- Gosho Heinosuke 五所平之助(1902-81),日本人,電影導演。
- Mack led the A's to their first pennant in 1902. 麥克帶領運動家隊在1902年贏得首次世界冠軍。
- If you can meet Aoyama Gosho, what would you ask? , 如果可以問青山一個問題?
- He had even reached Tibet in 1902, much like HPB. 他甚至在1902年到達了西藏,這與HPB十分相似。
- Madame Curie discovered pure radium in 1902. 居里夫人1902年發現了鐳。
- The solution to last week's quiz is on page 81. 上星期測驗的答案在第81頁。
- May 21, 1902 Born in the Hungarian city of Pec. 1902年5月21日生於匈牙利佩奇市。
- This needs to be cropped out (figure 81). 這部分需要剪切除去(圖81)。
- Cadillac's history can be traced back to 1902. 凱迪拉克公司的歷史可以追溯到1902年。
- The extraction recovery of maprotiline was 81 7%. 馬普替林的萃取回收率為 81 7%25。
- Do you remember the 81 points with Toronto? 你還記得對陣猛龍的時候的八十一分嗎?
- Oyola was back on 81 when the second plane arrived. 阿約拉剛回到81層,第二次撞擊就發生了。
- How heavy is the moon? 81 moons equals an earth. 月球有多重?81個月球等於一個地球重。
- In 1957 Konrad Adenauer was already 81 years old. 1957年,阿登那總理已經81歲。
- Am J Clin Nutr. 2005 Jun;81(6):1351-8. 作者:佚名文章來源:愛心網點擊數:更新時間:2005-8-29
- From Arnhem Station, take the 50, 80 or 81 buses. 如果太遲取消預訂或沒出現在酒店,酒店將收取預訂的總價。
- The Gosho blazes with the brilliant life of Nichiren Daishonin. 御書里充滿著蓮祖大聖人輝煌生命的光線。
- In 1902 he went to work as a patent office examiner in Bern. 1902年他到伯恩當上了專利局的鑒定員。
- Thus, Einstein took the job in the Swiss Patent Office in 1902. 就這樣,愛因斯坦1902年在瑞士專利局找到了一個工作。
- In 1902,Einstein continued his studies at the University of Zurich. 愛因斯坦在蘇黎世大學繼續他的學業。