- Gor Gor, Leslie Cheung is her good listener. 「哥哥」張國榮則是她談心的對象。
- His wife delivered a son gor him. 他老婆給他生了一個兒子.
- All the people in the room adored Gor Gor. 這裡所有的人都崇拜哥哥。
- Algorithm gor least square fit curve. 最小二乘法擬合曲線的演算法-
- Chatted with HH and Emerson gor gor just now. 愛情:不想再三心二意,情人還是舊的好!
- GOR have multiple effects on the dew point pressure. 當高於此數值時,露點壓力又隨氣油比增大而減小。
- Gor Gor asked me yesterday, I will fall for which type of guys. 哥哥昨天才問我,以後的我會愛上怎樣的男人。
- Elizabeth,Betty,Susan and Mary are all names gor girls. 伊莉莎白,貝蒂,蘇珊和瑪麗這些名字是女孩子的。
- At last they gor the telegram they had been expecting. 最後剩餘僅有的他們收到了他們一直渴望的電報。
- Remove screws attaching the adjuster to the grille opening reinforcement (GOR). 拆卸用以固定調整器至格柵口加固板的螺絲。
- Uwed as materiale gor furnace and exhaust gas cleaning systems of automobiles. 爐用材料,汽車排氣凈化裝置用材料。
- "Don't let me recall the past episodes of Gor Gor, I would be out of control. 見扭不過記者,她沉思片刻:「不要讓我回憶哥哥死之前的片斷好嗎?
- Haha, Jeremy gor dun worry about it. It's nothing to do with what u said. 如果令戰神形象受損;該名會員先至需要被踢出會.
- During Gor Gor's funeral, Anita Mui in great grief, cried and even fainted. 不過,有周刊就指霆鋒扶阿梅居心叵測,借阿梅宣傳博搶鏡。
- Ching Gor, don't worry la, the sister in here, what they did not see before! 春光鴨兄,你件系藝術品黎,系咪,不過下次唔好喇,呢度好多姊妹架
- I don't wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do thar. Your mind must know it has gor down to work. 我從來不等待情緒的來臨。如果你一味等待,就將一事無成。你必須牢記,只有動手才能有所得。(美國作家賽珍珠)
- It is said originally Ah Mui wanted to make up for Gor Gor, as the last thing she did for him. 據知阿梅原來一度有意為哥哥的遺容上妝,向哥哥作出最後一份心意。
- Actually Gor Gor always wished to direct a movie of his won, this wish has not been fulfilled yet. 其實哥哥一直以來都有個心愿未了,就是執起導演筒拍攝一套屬於自己的電影。
- Ah Mui has never left her home since Gor Gor's death, and people always worry about her emotional condition. 連日來足不出戶,精神狀態一直令人擔心。
- Lighting for this concert was mainly in red, this signified Gor Gor's dignity and status of super star. 音樂會舞檯燈光都以紅色為主,配合大會主題,代表了哥哥尊貴和巨星的身分,眾歌星多以紅色服裝出席來配合主題。