- Deeping in the global finance crisis, how can Weichai Power spend this winter? 在全球經濟深陷危機的時候,濰柴何以能夠以迎春的姿態度過冬天?
- The focus of the mission will be Accessing Global Finance and Project Development Resources for Chinese CDM Projects. 此次研討會的重點將是為中國清潔發展機制項目提供國際金融服務和項目發展資源。
- Many holes can be picked in their pledges to reflate the world economy and re-regulate global finance. 在他們對重振世界經濟和重整全球金融體系的承諾中有諸多的漏洞。
- Below the influence of global finance seismic sea wave, activity of capital market IPO for a time icebound. 在全球金融海嘯的影響下,資本市場IPO活動一度冰封。
- Impacted by global finance crisis, China's export volume maintain a slow growth and even a nagetive growth. 受全球金融危機的影響,今年中國出口將保持低速增長甚至負增長。
- When China followed Japan's lead and became an export juggernaut, the distortions in global finance really magnified. 當中國最終步日本後塵成為出口主宰時,全球金融被歪曲的現象事實上被進一步放大。
- In this complex situation, Russia Stock market the global finance Tsunami's influence, the total collapse, falls to for ten year bottom. 就在這複雜的局勢中,俄國股票市場受全球金融海嘯的影響,全面崩潰,落到十年來最低點。
- In practice, however, global finance is a lot more complicated than that: next week I shall examine the risks of financial liberalisation and how they can be addressed. 不過,實際上全球金融狀況卻是複雜許多:下星期我會細述開放金融體系的風險,並討論可如何處理這些風險。
- Knowledge Updating: Sharing views and ideas on hot topics in global finance and management area, improving knowledge structure by absorbing theories and business experience. 更新知識:探討世界金融和管理的前瞻與熱點問題,通過理論知識和實踐經驗的傳遞,更新完善知識結構。
- The rush for cash represents a remarkable comedown for AIG, whose role in global finance is in many ways as critical as investment banks such as Lehman Brothers. 保險業巨頭美國國際集團遭遇現金慌,無疑是莫大的淪落;在很多方面,該公司對全球金融領域的作用就像雷曼兄弟對投資銀行業一樣關鍵。
- Presidents and prime ministers from a score of rich and emerging economies will descend on Washington, DC, ostensibly to remake the rules of global finance. 來自發達國家以及新興經濟國家的各位總統、總理、首相等元首匯聚在華盛頓特區的目的是為了重建全球金融規則。
- Affected by global finance crisis, Linguaphone Shenzhen has had business difficulties and have decided to suspend the business operation temporarily for 3 weeks. 靈格風深圳受全球性金融危機的影響, 經營困難目前該中心暫時停止運營三周。
- The American loan crisis initiation's global finance Tsunami and Communist Party of China's 17 Third Session, coursed many person of vision China's rural finance. 美國次貸危機引發的全球金融海嘯和中國共產黨的十七屆三中全會,把許多人的目光引向了中國的農村金融。
- The EU proclaimed itself a leader of global efforts to combat climate change, and European governments first demanded and then drafted new rules for global finance. 歐盟宣布自己為為世界抗擊氣候變化作出努力的領袖,歐盟政府第一個要求並起草了新的全球資金的新法規。
- After the Asia-Europe meeting, or ASEM, Mr Wen headed to Russia and Kazakhstan, venue for a pow-wow of Central Asian leaders, for more talks with global finance at the forefront. 在亞歐會議后,溫總理前往俄羅斯和哈薩克,與中亞領導人會談,在最前線更多談論的是關於全球金融。
- GEORGE SOROS, a billionaire investor, wants a 「new sheriff」 for global finance, an international regulator to heal the 「worst financial crisis in 60 years」. 雖然已經是金融大鱷,但是喬治.;索羅斯還是需要一個全球金融「治安官」、國際立法機構來拯救「60年以來最嚴重的金融危機」;
- The au thor believes that allfinanz has some powerful functions superior to any of the current financial mixture operation model and unique financial institution,and a llfinanz is new form of futural global finance. 作者認為,全金融具有目前任何金融混業經營運作模式或單個金融機構所不具備的強大金融功能,是世界金融未來的新形態;
- After the development of the Bretton Woods System and the Jamaica system, under the background of global finance integrated, it appears regional exchange rate coordinate arrangement and regional monetary cooperation. 國際貨幣制度在經歷從布雷頓森林體系到牙買加體系的演變后,又出現了區域匯率協調安排和區域貨幣合作的趨勢。
- After the development of the gold standard, the Bretton Woods System and the Jamaica system, under the background of global finance integrated, it appears regional exchange rate coordinate arrangement and monetary regionalization. 國際貨幣制度在經歷從金本位制、布雷頓森林體系到牙買加體系的演變后,在全球金融一體化的背景下又出現了區域匯率協調安排和貨幣區域化趨勢。
- They portray Britain as Iceland writ large, horribly exposed because of its big banking sector and intimate involvement in the sort of global finance that has gone so spectacularly wrong. 他們把英國描繪成放大版的冰島。由於冰島擁有大型銀行業以及與全球混亂的金融業有著密切的關係,因此冰島完全暴露在當前的危機下。