- Can you still find my star sign in the sky? 你依舊能從天空找出我的星座嗎?
- Do you believe in the star sign? 你相信星座的說法嗎?
- Your birthday decides your star sign. 你的出生日期決定你的星座。
- The famous film star signed up for a new film production. 那位著名影星已簽約參加拍攝一部新片。
- Do you think the star sign can tell a person's character? 你認為星座能反應一個人的性格嗎?
- Scorpio is the strongest of all the star signs. 天蠍座是所有星座里情感最強烈的一個。
- Aquarius is the friendliest of the star signs. 水瓶座是所有星座中最友善的星座。
- If you were born between August 23 and September 22, your star sign is Virgo. 如果你的生日是在8月23日到9月22日之間,那麼你的星座就是處女座。
- If you were born between July 23 and August 22, your star sign is Leo. 如果你在7月23日至8月22日之間出生,你就是獅子座的。
- The famous film star signed up for a new film. 那位著名影星已簽約參加拍攝一部新片。
- Pisces is the most flexible of the star signs. 雙魚座是所有星座中最靈活的。
- Do you believe in star signs, Ruth? 魯思,你相信星座嗎?
- A year is divided into 12 different star signs. 一年被分成12個不同的星座。
- But I suppose star signs are just for fun. 但是我認為星座只是一種消遣。
- A: Do you believe in star signs, Ruth? 魯思,你相信星座嗎?
- If you were born between December 22 and January 19, then your star sign is Capricorn. 如果你的生日是在12月22日到1月19日之間,那麼你的星座就是魔羯座。
- Do you think our good teamwork comes from our star signs? 你認為我們的默契是緣於我們星座的關係嗎?
- If your birthday is between January 21 and February 18, then your star sign is Aquarius. 如果你的生日在1月21日和2月18日之間,那麼你的星座就是水瓶座。
- The video shows the former football star signing autographs. 錄像顯示這位前足球明星在簽名。
- If you were born between January 21 and February 19, then your star sign is Aquarius. 如果你出生在1月21號至2月19號之間,那麼,你的星座就是水瓶座。