- gell mann low relation 蓋爾曼 洛關係
- gell mann nishijima rule 蓋爾曼 魏定則
- A public relation firm handle all our publicity. 一家公共關係公司負責處理我們的全部廣告宣傳工作。
- A person's happiness correlate closely to the family relation. 一個人的幸福與家庭關係密切相關。
- I don't see any relation between the two problems. 我看不出這兩個問題間的聯繫。
- A relation of mine is coming to stay. 我有個親戚要來此暫住。
- I have nothing to say in relation to that matter. 關於那件事,我沒什麼好說的。
- Their relation seemed quite close. 他們的關係似乎十分密切。
- The expense bears no relation to the results. 花費與成果極不相稱。
- I understand her to be a distant relation of his. 據我了解,她是他的一位遠親。
- I have a lot to say with relation to that affair. 關於那件事,我有好多話要說。
- The applied science of soils in relation to crops. 土壤學和作物相關的應用土壤學
- Thomas Mann seconded these points. 托馬斯·曼表示贊同這些觀點。
- His relation of his adventure fascinated us. 他講述的關於自己的冒險經歷使我們聽入了迷。
- Beat its rival Horace Mann in baseball today. 在今天的棒球賽中打敗敗了對手。
- The number seven has a deep significance to Mann. 對曼來說,「七」這個數字是意味深長的。
- The relation between teacher and pupil is not what it used to be. 老師和學生之間的關係已不是以前那樣了。
- The film is based on a short story by Thomas Mann. 這部電影是以托馬斯·曼的小說為基礎改編的。
- Ich liebe meine Eltern und mein Mann ueber Alles!!! 呵呵,幾乎都說過阿,不過那時是青春叛逆期,哈哈。
- Ein junger Mann betrat im Traum einen Laden. 一個少年在夢中進入了一個商店。