- 1928-2008年1928 - 2008
- 洛維拉·伊·奇里諾,C.(1882-1928)Carlos Loveira y Chirino (1882~1928)
- 東南亞華僑民族主義發展研究(1912-1928)A Perspective to the Development of Overseas Chinese Nationalism (1912-1928)
- Anderson,Amemiva和Fujisawa等學者將GC模型推廣為含有隨機效應的增長曲線模型(The Growth Curve Model With Random Effects),並在觀察矩陣服從正態分佈的條件下作了關於均值的廣義線性假設似然比檢驗。Anderson , Amemiva and Fujisawa et al scholars extended the growth curve model into the one with random effects and considered the likelihood ratio criterion (LRC) for its mean structure ,where the random vectors follow normal distribution on the assumptions that random effects and random errors are mutually independent[1][2] .
- 剪切裂縫中能量釋放的彈性靜力問題最先由Starr(1928)進行了研究。The elastostatical problem of the energy release in a shear crack was first created by Starr (1928).
- 1928或1929年以後,債券聲譽驟然下降,從而導致種種新的對外貸款形式出現。The eclipse of the bond after 1928 or 1929 led to new forms of foreign lending.
- 托馬斯·哈代(1840-1928 )是英國19世紀後期傑出的批判現實主義作家。Thomas Hardy (1840-1928), was a well-known English critical realist writer in the late 19th century.
- 自從發現青霉素(1928),抗生素大大的改變了許多由真菌、細菌引起的疾病的治療方法。"Since the discovery of penicillin (1928), antibiotics have revolutionized the treatment of Bacterial, fungal, and some other diseases."
- Steyn(1928),Dekock等(1940)和其他人在南非洲病例中普遍看到嚴重脾充血和增大。Severe splenic engorgement with enlargement was commonly noted in South African cases by Steyn (1928), Deknock et al. (1940) and others.
- 野口,英世1876-1928日本裔美籍細菌學家,發現梅毒和黃熱病的病因和治療該病的方法Japanese - born American bacteriologist who discovered the cause and worked toward a treatment of syphilis and yellow fever.
- 洛倫茨,亨德里克1853-1928荷蘭物理學家。因在磁性對放射的影響方面的研究而獲1902年諾貝爾獎。Hendrik Antoon Lorentz,1853-1928,Dutch physicist. He shared a1902 Nobel Prize for researching the influence of magnetism on radiation.
- 歐內斯特·L. 博耶(Ernest L. Boyer, 1928-1995)是美國當代著名的教育家和教育演說家。Ernest L. Boyer was a famous educationist and a famous educational speaker of modern America.
- 布非,伯納德生於1928法國畫家,以其對巴黎的風景和其明暗的作品而聞名,如墮落天使表達幻滅和絕望。French painter known for his views of Paris and for his somber works,such as The Angel of Destruction,expressing disillusionment and despair.
- 科里(E.J.Corey,1928-)對伍德沃德-霍夫曼規則(Woodward-Hoffmann rules)來源優先權之爭的來龍去脈以及R.This paper chiefly presents the dispute over the origin of Woodward - Hoffmann rules claimed by E. J. Corey.
- 喬姆斯基,諾阿姆生於1928美國語言學家,他在句法結構(1957年)一書中所闡述的關於生成語法的理論曾使語言學研究發生突破性進展American linguist who revolutionized the study of language with his theory of generative grammar, set forth in Syntactic Structures(1957).
- 福特,愛德華生於1928美國橄欖球明星,作為投球手創下了使紐約揚基隊(1950-1967年)連續十次在世界盃賽上奪魁的記錄American baseball player who won a record ten World Series games as a pitcher for the New York Yankees(1950-1967).
- 可以想像,這幅畫在1928-1929年首次展出時一定震驚世界,反響強烈,但請注意它的影響涉及一種藝術理論如不是藝術對人類生活的作用。Supposedly the effect of this painting was shocking and generated much interest when it was first shown in 1928-1929,but observe how its impact deals with a theory of art and not art's effect on human life.
- 喬姆斯基,諾阿姆生於1928美國語言學家,他在句法結構(1957年)一書中所闡述的關於生成語法的理論曾使語言學研究發生突破性進展American linguist who revolutionized the study of language with his theory of generative grammar,set forth in Syntactic Structures(1957.
- 卡特,羅薩林 史密斯生於1928美國第一夫人(1977-1981年),吉米 卡特總統的妻子。她致力於老年人、精神及感情受挫折人的福利工作British archaeologist who worked in Egypt after1890and discovered(1922)the tomb of Tutankhamen.
- 富恩特斯,卡洛斯生於1928墨西哥作家,以其有關其家鄉的抽象主義小說和短篇小說而著名,其中突出的有阿爾特米奧 克魯斯之死(1962年)Mexican writer known for his metaphysical short stories and novels about his homeland, notably The Death of Artemio Cruz(1962).