- Fried Minced Meat with Egg Plant in Thai Style 泰式肉碎炒茄子
- Fried Minced Meat With Basil Leaves (Chicken, Pork or Beef) 香葉炒肉碎(雞,豬,或牛)
- Fried Minced Meat and Quail Egg 鶉蛋炒碎肉
- Making meat balls needs minced meat. 可是做肉丸不就需要肉餡嘛。
- Please put more minced meat into my noodle soup. 請給我的麵條里多加些肉末。
- Stir fry minced pork, prawn meat, dried scallops, dried shrimps, white radish, carrots and yam bean lightly.Add supreme stock and cook for 30 mins over low heat. 放入豬肉碎、蝦肉、瑤柱、蝦米碎、白蘿蔔、紅蘿蔔及沙葛略炒片刻,注入上湯,再用慢火煮30分鐘。
- French Bean Special, the award wining dish, where they used minced meat to fry together with the French bean instead of the ordinary shrimp. 炒桂豆,得獎菜式,用攪碎了的肉炒桂豆而得名,比用蝦米來得特別。
- Well, with the handmade noodle, fried crunchy anchovies, minced meat and a half-cooked egg, it combined all together to become the well-known Chili Pan Mee. 你以為只是普通辣椒?不!這辣椒干先辣后麻,一步一步地引誘食客的味蕾,讓辣椒干有了個新的演繹。
- Lebanese pizza topped with minced meat onion and pine nuts. 頂部配以鮮嫩的小牛肉,洋蔥和松仁,鬆軟可口.
- The salty variety is filled with minced meat, vegetables etc. 咸餡則可以由碎肉末,蔬菜等做成。
- Eringi Cream White Sauce Spaghetti with minced meat. 杏鮑菇肉末忌廉白汁意麵條。
- I love to eat steamed buns with minced meat stuffing. 我最愛吃肉餡兒包子。
- TIPS Those who do not like to eat fatty meat, can opt for lean minced meat. 烹飪小貼士·不喜歡肥肉的人可用瘦肉攪碎。
- Marinate minced pork with pinch of pepper and rice wine. Heat a pan with dash of oil, stir fry minced pork until half done. 豬肉加入少許胡椒粉及米酒拌勻。燒熱平底鑊,加入適量油,將豬肉炒至半熟,待涼。
- Saute red chili in 1 tbsp oil. Add fried prawns, seasoning mix and stir well quickly. Then stir in fried minced garlic. Sprinkle with shredded green onion. 用1湯匙油爆香紅椒絲,加入中蝦及調味料快手炒勻,再加入金蒜兜勻,灑上蔥絲。
- Fried egg on minced meat with rice 燴敏士托蛋配米飯
- Fried pickled beans with minced meat 酸豆角炒肉末
- Fried pigeon eggs with minced meat 炸象眼鴿蛋
- A sausagelike preparation made with minced meat or various other ingredients stuffed into a bag or skin and boiled. 布丁腸一種由碎肉或許多其它成分填入袋內或皮內煮后製成的類似香腸的配製品
- Cha Jiang La Mian, the traditional Shanghai style food, with spicy minced meat and Shanghai noodle. 炸醬拉麵,傳統的上海式食物,伴肉碎及上海拉麵條同食。