- Heavenly Kings Hall for the middle of the Maitreya Buddha really are A Yiduo, Weituo back to the Buddha, for both sides of the four heavenly kings. 天王殿中間供彌勒菩薩的真身阿逸多,背面為韋馱菩薩,兩側供四大天王。
- In fact, he is one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Orochi, being able to wield, in his awakened form, the purple flames of disaster, the same which Iori so painfully wields. 事實上,他還是大蛇一族八傑集中的四天王之一,在他覺醒的狀態下,能夠支配帶來不幸的紫色火焰,與八神庵痛苦支配著的火焰一樣。
- 「as well as Kundalin and Bhrukuti and all Four Heavenly Kings, 諸軍茶利、與毗俱胝、四天王等,
- The heavenly King overcame this temptation. 屬天的王勝過了這試誘。
- Four Heavenly Guardians at the entrance to a Buddhism temple T. 四大金剛。
- The entertainment industry has nicknamed him "a small heavenly king". 娛樂界奉他為「小天王」。
- The Bible is the sceptre by which the heavenly King rules his church. 聖經是天上君王用來統管教會的令牌。
- Temple are heavenly kings, Kwun Yam, Daxiong Hall and all that appear, such as Tripitaka floor. 殿宇有天王、觀音、大雄諸殿及說法堂、藏經樓等。
- He is known as the Fortune Heavenly king or The Great Fulfiller of Wish. 周邊圍繞八駿財神為部屬,各司八方天庫,協助財寶天王救度眾生,以滿眾生之願。
- Heavenly Kings with the solemn coincides with office environment with the seriousness. 天王的莊嚴同辦公環境的嚴肅與安靜不謀而合。
- Its founder, also know as The Heavenly Kings, includes Terence Yin, Daniel Wu, Andrew Lin Hoi, and Conroy Chan Chi Chung. 其創辦人,亦被稱為四大天王包括尹子維、吳彥祖、連凱和陳子聰。
- Layout with stringent axis distinctive features, in the main hall axial line: Heavenly Kings Hall, Main Hall, Tripitaka floor. 具有布局嚴謹、中軸明顯的特點,在中軸線上的主要殿堂有:天王殿、大雄寶殿、藏經樓。
- Such as the Goddess of Mercy, Anan, Jia Ye, Manjusri, Samantabhadra, the eight were Wang, Vaisravana, an increase of heavenly kings, and so on. 如觀音、阿難、迦葉、文殊、普賢、八大名王、多聞天王、增長天王等等。
- The center of a heavenly kings Hall, Main Hall, founder Dian, Tripitaka floor for the right Pai Tong; room left for the abbot. 正中有天王殿、大雄寶殿、祖師殿、藏經樓;右為排堂;左為方丈室。
- Shaanxi team won the Heavenly Kings Mountain battle lost, in addition to their team-crown add some shadow, but also to Super win of the season more intense. 陝西隊在奪冠的天王山戰役中失利,除了為己隊衝冠增添了一些陰影之外,還讓本賽季中超冠軍爭奪更加白熱化。
- Following Conroy Chan, Andrew Lin, Terence Yin, and Daniel Wu, The Heavenly Kings divulges everything that Hong Kong's star-making machine is afraid to tell. 通過貼身追訪陳子聰、連凱、尹子維、吳彥祖,將會披露香港明星工廠不為人知的一切。
- Shi Li Jia Ye on both sides of the disciples strict Laocheng, Anan devout God, Buddha Duanlijinchi, heavenly kings Cumeinumu, Guinness mighty Xiongjian. 兩旁侍立的弟子迦葉嚴謹老成,阿難虔誠順服,菩薩端麗矜持,天王蹙眉怒目,力士威武雄健。
- Since followed by South and North gate, the Heavenly Kings Hall, a round trip both McGREGOR Hall, Main Hall and a total of five Jinyuan Luo Wei Mo Club. 自南而北依次為山門、天王殿、圓俱行覺殿、大雄寶殿和維摩閣共五進院落。
- Basilica said Main Hall, the main Buddhist reliance wall and some other types of Buddha sitting, up to 1 Zhang, the wall after Qianshou Kuanyin, Heavenly Kings Hall, Rohan Hall. 大殿稱大雄寶殿,主佛如來佛倚壁而坐,高達1丈,壁後為千手觀音,還有天王殿、羅漢堂。
- Yuanyang pavilion deep f*endship, Zhi Zhetian never at hand. Yuanyang pavilion situation resolved, I do not heavenly kings birds Positions I Yuanyang all recline. 鴛鴦樓閣情義深,摯手遮天永不分。鴛鴦樓閣情未了,天王老子也不鳥,惹我鴛鴦全放倒。