- Flag Communication Officer 旗語通信官
- Sherron Watkins was a communications officer with Enron, based in Houston, Texas. 雪倫?華金絲是位於得克薩斯州休斯頓安然公司的電信專員。
- The immediate target of Digger's raillery was his communications officer, a lean morose-looking southerner. 迪格直接的挖苦對象,是他的通訊軍官,一個身子乾瘦、愁眉苦臉的南方人。
- Admin, are you sure that you're up to this task?" Asked the Chief Communications officer for Northwind Traders. 「管理員,你確定能完成這項任務嗎?」Northwind Traders的首席溝通官問我。
- Supplement logbook of the communications officer: It's an uplifting feeling, the first in an unexplored sector. 補充日誌的通訊幹事答:這是一種向上的感覺,第一次在一個未知部門。
- Sherron Watkins was a communications officer with Enron, based in Houston , Texas. 雪倫?華金絲是位於得克薩斯州休斯頓安然公司的電信專員。
- The immediate target of Digger's raillery was his communications officer, a lean morose -looking southerner. 迪格直接的挖苦對象,是他的通訊軍官,一個身子乾瘦、愁眉苦臉的南方人。
- Promoted directly from sergeant to 1stLieutenant, he was assigned to the fledging 75th Fighter Squadron as the unit's communications officer. 他直接從下士提升為中尉,他被分配到剛形成的75戰鬥中隊擔任通訊官員。
- Gnea nodded, taking a place behind him in the communications officer's chair since there had been no time to repair the copilot's. 妮雅點頭,沒時間修理副駕駛座位了,於是她便坐到他身後的通訊官座位上。
- Melinda Henry, WHO communications officer for immunisation, vaccines and biologicals, says the method has "good potential" and will be reviewed by the WHO in the near future. 世界衛生組織的免疫、疫苗和生物學傳播官員Melinda Henry說這種方式具有「很好的潛力」,而且世界衛生組織將在不遠的將來評估這種方式。
- A red flag slowly went up the pole. 一面紅旗徐徐升起。
- A new performance management system based on the core-competence concept was launched for the Police Communications Officer Grade in 1997,in keeping with the Force's strive for excellence. 為配合精益求精的目標,警隊在年內為警察通訊員職系推行新的工作表現管理系統,以關鍵才能的概念為基礎實施管理。
- There is a picture of the sickle on the flag. 旗幟上有鐮刀的圖案。
- The energy bill runs about $ 50,000 a month,according to the communications office. 通訊局提供的數據說明每月的能源開銷大約需要五萬美元。
- The flag is only raised when royalty are present. 只有在王室成員在場的時候才升起這面旗幟。
- It's time to shake out the red flag. 是把這面紅旗打開的時候了。
- A new performance management system based on the core-competence concept was launched for the Police Communications Officer Grade in 1997, in keeping with the Force's strive for excellence. 為配合精益求精的目標,警隊在年內為警察通訊員職系推行新的工作表現管理系統,以關鍵才能的概念為基礎實施管理。
- That plant with purple flowers is flag. 那種開紫花的植物是菖蒲。
- The five-star red flag is fluttering in the wind. 五星紅旗迎風飄揚。