- The farmers planted some buckwheat in the fields. 農民們在田裡種上蕎麥。
- He went to the post office to draw his pension. 他到郵局去取退休金了。
- The farmer keeps hundreds of pigs on his farm. 那個農場主在他的農場里養了幾百頭豬。
- He administer a large pension fund. 他管理一大筆養老金。
- He retired on a company pension. 他退休時得到公司的退休金。
- The company pension scheme is non- contributory. 這個公司的退休基金計劃是不繳納費用。
- The farmers were pitching hay on to the cart. 農夫們正在把乾草扔上貨車。
- This rain will be a blessing for the farmers. 對農民來說,這場雨真是一場甘霖。
- Farmers are looking ahead to a prosperous year. 農民們在展望一個豐收之年。
- He's got nothing beyond his state pension. 除了國家發的養老金,他一無所有。
- The farmers are burning off the fields. 農民們正在清除收割之後的田土殘物。
- She supplements her pension by taking in washing. 她在家裡替人洗衣服以貼補養老金之不足。
- The farmers smoked ten rats out. 那個農民熏出來10隻老鼠。
- He claimed a pension by virtue of his long illness. 由於長期生病,他申請救助金。
- Many farmers are working in the fields. 許多農民在田裡幹活。
- He claimed a pension in virtue of his long illness. 由於長期生病,他申請救助金。
- Both the farmers and fishermen were hard hit by the bad weather. 壞天氣使農民和漁民都遭受了重大損失。
- He had stayed at the pension for a fortnight. 他已在那個小旅館待了兩個星期。
- The pub was full of tweedy farmers. 小酒店裡凈是身穿花呢衣服的農民。
- A pension is often commutable into a lump sum. 養老金常可改為一次性總付款。