- The example query inverts a document hierarchy to transform a bibliography into an author list. 示例查詢顛倒一個文檔的層次,把一個書刊目錄變換為一個作者列表。
- The following example queries for the total number of units in stock for all discontinued products in the Products table. 下面的示例查詢Products表中所有已停產產品的庫存總數
- The last example executes the query. 上一個示例執行了查詢。
- Her diligence has set an example to the others. 她的勤奮為其他人樹立了榜樣。
- She gives us a living example of sanctity. 她給我們樹立了一個聖潔的活榜樣。
- One example will suffice for this phrase. 舉一個例子說明這個片語就夠了。
- Comrade Lei Feng left an undying example behind. 雷鋒同志留下了一個不朽的榜樣。
- He set up a fine example to all of us. 他為我們樹立了一個好榜樣。
- George, I will make an example of him. 我發誓,我一定要拿他懲一儆百。
- By way of example, he described his own experience. 當作例子,他講述了自己的經歷。
- For example, London is the capital of Britain. 例如,倫敦是英國的首都。
- He set an example of plain living. 他樹立了艱苦樸素的榜樣。
- This is a better example than the first. 這個例子比第一個更恰當。
- Their courage was an example to all of us. 他們的勇氣是我們大家學習的榜樣。
- His brother's example roused him to action. 他兄弟的榜樣激勵他行動起來。
- His bravery should be an example to all of us. 他的勇敢應作為我們大家學習的榜樣。
- A binary check digit;for example, a parity bit. 一個二進位校驗位,例如奇偶位。
- This is a good example of Shelley's lyric poetry. 這首詩是雪萊抒情詩的範例。
- Typhoid is an example of a notifiable disease. 傷寒是必須報告衛生局的病例。
- You can buy fruit here - oranges and bananas, for example. 你可以在這裡買水果,例如買柑橘和香蕉。