- The man is a sixteenth Spanish navigator. 那個人是十六世紀的航海家。
- Knowledge navigator: a slogan or towards reality? 知識導航員:滯於口號還是走向現實?
- Columbus was a famous navigator. 哥倫布是個有名的航海家。
- To see wrapped text, view page in Navigator window. 若要查看自動換行后的文本,請在 navigator 窗口中查看本頁。
- The navigator charted the course of the ship. 領航員在海圖上標出船的航線。
- Dashan: Okay. Rumei, you can be my navigator. 大山:好了,如梅,你可以給我當個「領航員」吧。
- Navigator Represents an object in a navigator. 描述了導航器中的一個對象。
- Navigator Gospel Ministries Ltd. (H.K. 導航者福音協會...周年紀念特刊.
- The navigator charted the course of the ship . 領航員在海圖上標出船的航線。
- Rumei: Sure. What does a navigator do? 如梅:當「領航員」都需要做什麼?
- The navigator charted out the course. 領航員在海圖上標出航向。
- Peters, our navigator, was lost again . 彼得斯,我們的領航員又迷路了。
- The navigator took a fix on the sun and steered the ship due north. 領航員對著太陽測方位后將船朝正北駛去。
- Hurriedly the sailor spread the open book on the navigator's desk. 那水兵匆匆把打開的手冊攤在領航員的桌子上。
- The navigator charted this area out and it is quite safe to sail in it. 領航員在海圖上標出了這個區域,在這一區域航行是相當安全的。
- Such incredible experience makes every navigator stauncher. 如此難以置信的經歷使每一個航海家都更加堅強.
- The Dutch navigator Abel Tasman discovered 1642 New Zealand. 荷蘭航海家阿貝爾·塔斯曼發現紐西蘭。
- He wanted to become a navigator when he was a child. 他從小便立志要當一個航海家。
- An older version of Netscape Navigator was found on your machine. 在您的機器上找到舊版本的 Netscape navigator。
- This trial copy of Netscape Navigator will expire at XX. 此"Netscape 導航器"嘗試副本 將在XX 過期。