- Source:《 Preventing major industrial accidents in Asia: A guide》, By ILO East Asia Multidisciplinary Advisory Team( ILO/ EASMAT), ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. 源自:國際勞工組織東亞跨學科諮詢小組,國際勞工組織亞洲及太平洋地區辦公室,《如何防範亞洲重大工業事故的發生》,2006年8月。
- The water and sanitation delegate attended the East Asia regional health/water and sanitation meeting and CBHFA sensitization workshop in Beijing in early April. 四月初,飲用水和環境衛生代表在北京參加了東亞地區健康、飲用水和衛生設施會議和CBHFA宣傳研討會。
- David Martiny, Asia Regional Business Manager for Firestone Building Products, is currently overseeing the East Asia market for Firestone Building Products. 馬大衛先生作為凡士通建築產品公司亞洲區域經理,主要負責東亞市場的監督管理。
- Calycanthaceae might have originated from East Asia Region, and then migrated e astward to North America via Bering land Bridge during the Quaternary glacial pe riod. 蠟梅科植物的起源地點可能在東亞,並在第四紀時通過白令陸橋到達北美;
- With this in mind, we should maintain close coordination and cooperation, make joint effort to uphold peace and stability in Northeast Asia and promote East Asia regional cooperation, thus contributing to the invigoration of Asia. 我們需要以這樣的眼光,加強協調與合作,共同維護東北亞的和平與穩定,推進東亞區域合作進程,致力於亞洲的振興。
- The east Asia region which includes China,Japan,Korea,Taiwan,Hong Kong and ASEAN countries could have an economy larger than that of NAFTA or the European Union soon in the 21st century. 東亞地區(包括中國、日本、韓國、台灣、香港及東盟國家)的經濟規模,應很快在二十一世紀超越北大西洋自由貿易區或歐洲聯盟。
- South Central Asia Regional Office; 中南亞區域辦事處;
- Although East Asia Vision Group has submitted a report about constructing East Asia Community, presenting the long-term goal of East Asia region cooperation, it has a very long way to go before turning the attractive goal into reality. 儘管2001年「東亞展望小組」(East Asia Vision Group)向東亞領導人提交了關於「建設東亞共同體」的報告,提出了東亞合作的長遠目標,即建立東亞共同體,顯然,要實現這樣一種美好的遠景規劃,東亞還有很長的路要走。
- PhD, Cambridge University (1975). Chairman, Ove Arup East Asia Region (1996- ). Analysis of structures and soils; sustainable design of urban infrastructure and buildings; engineering education. 岩土工程及結構分析;城市基建和房屋可持續設計;工程教育。
- Investment competition is begun in our country as the foreign trader, our country and front of pattern of division of labor of industry of East Asia region are faced change newly and reframe. 隨著外商在我國開展投資競爭,我國與東亞地區產業分工格局正面臨新的變化和重構。
- SEARCC South East Asia Regional Computer Conference 東南亞區域計算機會議
- management in China, paper prepared for IUCN Asia Regional Office. 解焱(2004).;中國自然保護區管理體系綜述
- South East Asia Regional Computer Conference 東南亞地區計算機會議
- Dr. Cliff MEYERS, Regional Education Adviser, East Asia and Pacific Regional Office, UNICEF, Bangkok 克力夫·邁爾斯博士,聯合國兒童基金會東亞太平洋區域辦事處教育顧問
- The range of this plant is East Asia. 這種植物的產地在東亞。
- International Finance Corporation Regional Office for East Asia and the World Bank Private Sector Development Office for East Asia and Pacific 國際金融公司東亞及及太平洋地區辦事處及世界銀行東亞及太平洋地區私營發展部辦事處
- This transmitter will be beamed at East Asia. 這台發射機將用於對東亞廣播。
- Katherine Bond, Associate Director, Southeast Asia Regional Office in Bangkok, Rockefeller Foundation 凱瑟琳·邦德,洛克菲勒基金會東南亞曼谷辦事處副主任
- On Mechanism and its Trend of Industrial Circulation in East Asia Region 東亞區域產業循環機制及其發展趨勢
- Plans for a regional office at Basra are being developed. 在巴士拉建立地區性辦公室的計劃正在擬議中。