- An airplane casts a shadow over the red waters of Lake Natron in Tanzania, part of the East African Rift Valley. 意譯:板塊構造圖片美術館。一架飛機投擲陰影在坦尚尼亞的納特隆湖紅水的上面,東非裂谷的一部分。
- Photo Gallery: Plate Tectonics An airplane casts a shadow over the red waters of Lake Natron in Tanzania, part of the East African Rift Valley. 意譯:板塊構造的圖片。飛機投下了陰影紅色水域natron湖在坦尚尼亞的一部分,東非裂谷。
- The Virunga chain is part of the East African Rift Valley system, which marks the boundary between two plates: the Nubian plate to the west and the Somali plate to the east. 該維龍加山鏈的一部分,東非裂谷系統,該標記分界線之間的兩大板塊:努比亞的板塊向西部地區和索馬利亞板塊向東。
- The Virunga chain is part of the East African Rift Valley system, which marks the boundary between two plates: the Nubian plate to the west and the Somalian plate to the east. 該龍鏈的一部分,東非裂谷系統,該系統馬克之間的界線兩大板塊:努比亞板塊向西部地區和索馬利亞板塊東。
- Venture into the Lake Mountain of the East African Rift Valley -- Tour of Kenya Serial Two 東非大裂谷中段湖山探秘--肯亞紀行之二
- The Okinawa Trough can also be considered as an important link between East African Rift and Red Sea stage in the Wilson Cycle. 沖繩海槽也可視為是威爾遜旋迴中連接東非裂谷和紅海階段的一個重要的中間環節
- We are descending into the Galapagos Rift Valley. 我們現在朝向加拉巴戈斯裂谷沉下。
- East African Rift Zone 東非裂谷帶
- East African Rift System 東非裂谷系
- In mid-March, new clusters of Rift Valley Fever cases occurred. 在3月中,發生了新的聚集性裂谷熱病例。
- Human cases of Rift Valley fever (RVF) continue to occur in Sudan. 人間裂谷熱病例在蘇丹持續增加。
- The rift valley is a classic example of a divergent plate boundary. 裂谷是一個典型的例子一個不同的板塊邊界。
- The rift valley is at least several decametres deep. 這條裂谷至少有幾十米深。
- There have never been Scrapie, Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, African horse sickness, African swine fever, Vesicular stomatitis, Lumpy skin disease, Rift Valley fever and Peste-des-petits ruminants in China. 中國境內從未發生過癢病、牛海綿狀腦病、非洲馬瘟、非洲豬瘟、水泡性口炎、結節性皮炎、裂谷熱和小反芻獸疫。
- There have never been Scrapie, Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, African horse sickness, African swine fever, Vesicular stomatitis, Lumpy skin disease and Rift Valley fever in China. 中國境內從未發生過癢病、牛海綿狀腦病、非洲馬瘟、非洲豬瘟、水泡性口炎、結節性皮炎、裂谷熱。
- They, too, found warm-water spots along the center of the rift valley. 而且他們發現,沿裂谷中心線也有暖水點。
- Liaohe Basin is a fault basin of rift valley type formed in Cenozoic Era. 遼河盆地是一新生代斷陷盆地;盆地內天然氣資源豐富;天然氣成因複雜.
- The Great Rift Valley, from Eritrea to Mozambique, could produce 7,000MW. 從厄利垂亞開始到莫三比克為止的東非大裂谷就能產出七千兆萬特的電能。
- The Melody, which beat off an attack by pirates off the east African coast. 在東非海岸外海擊退海盜的"梅洛迪"號遊艇。攝影:路透社,何。
- The effect of the Indio-Australian plate taking a dive under the Himalayas is to relieve tension along the African rift, such that this tears, promptly, but in shuddering steps with halting adjustments pauses between shudders. 印澳板塊被壓入喜馬拉雅山脈之下這一結果減輕了沿東非大裂谷的水平方向的擠壓力,所以它們就迅速地撕裂了,並且是在一步步地震動、調整暫停、震動之間完成這一過程的。