- Woolf』s literary models were acute social observers like Chekhov and Chaucer. 伍爾芙的文學楷模是像契訶夫和喬叟那樣敏銳的社會觀察家。
- Marx s Literary criticism is an important part of his ideological criticism. 馬克思的文學批評是其意識形態批判的重要組成部分。
- The reguirement of the times provided wide space and rich soil for Zhao Shuli?s literary advocation and practice. 時代需求為趙樹理文學主張和實踐提供了廣闊的天地、肥沃的土壤。
- However, surveying Austen"s literary career, we find Austen does not adopt indirections at the very beginning. 然而,縱觀奧斯丁的整個創作過程,我們卻不難發現使用間接敘述手法並非她的初衷。
- The discussion of her petrifaction imagery in Dickinson』s literary works can be divided into six parts. 全文針對詩人作品中,對石化意像的討論,可分為六部份。
- Chapter three: Narrate the recreation and sports research of Tibetan"s literary language. 第三章:敘述藏族文學語言的文體研究。
- In 1960s, Tatsumi Hizikata is deeply influenced by Jean Genet』s literary works and super-realism. 這個時期的作品的形式與手法主要是對於既有的藝術形式展開破壞。
- Milton』s literary achievements can be divided into three groups: the early poetic works, the middle prose pamphlets and the great poem. 彌爾頓的文學作品可分為三類:早期詩作,中期的散文小冊子和後期的偉大詩作。
- It has been foal conclusion for impressionism feature in Li Jian-vvu 's literary criticism, but we have to reseed its deep structure. 李健吾的印象主義批評特色已成定論,但對其文學批評深層結構的研究正在且有待深入。
- Exactly because of the political commentary style of this period』s literary criticism , it potentially has a distinguishing feature of elenchus. 由於「十七年」時期文學批評文體強烈的政論色彩,所以在結構方面潛在地存在著「辯難體」的特徵。
- The forth chapter discusses characters in Jin"s literary works.It includes monarch,minister, general, pipsqueak and female. 第四章主要論述了春秋時期晉國歷史文學中出現的人物形象,其中包括國君形象、大臣將軍形象、小人物形象和女性形象。
- As the commissary of modern Chinese literature, the main style of Luxun"s literary composition expressed a lot of literature themes. 作為中國現代文學的代表人物,魯迅的文學創作表現了很多的文學主題。
- Hardy』s understanding of human existence is consistent with existentialist attitude towards human life,which shows the foresightness of Hardy』s literary work. 哈代對人生的理解和存在主義哲學是一致的,這種一致說明了哈代創作追求的前瞻性。
- The first chapter mainly examines Ping Fang"s literary writings, aiming at discovering the typical qualities of a poet in the context of translingual communication. 方平的文學創作主要是1949年前的詩歌和1949年後的散文,這些創作都是他跨語際實踐活動不可分割的一部分。
- In the Chinese nation"s literary arts tradition, the poems and songs bloom radiantly with enchanting unique brilliance, they are the cultural heritage which we take pride in. 中華民族的文學藝術傳統中,詩詞歌賦綻放出璀璨、迷人的獨特光彩,是我們引以自豪的文化遺產。
- Part one is a general introduction to Pinter』s literary achievements, critical responses to his works, the purpose and relevant theories of the thesis. 引言部分介紹了劇作家的文學成就、國內外研究現狀、本文的目的和涉及的相關理論。
- Rosenblatt''s literary analysis discloses affinities and connections among works of Black fiction which solely political studies have overlooked or ignored. 布萊特對黑人文學的分析揭示了黑人小說著作間的密切關係和聯繫,而純粹政治研究中忽視了這些聯繫。
- Feng" s literary works had complex idea, because his affectional viewpoint had realistic base and widespread social contents such as ethics, morals and money. 它是紮根在世俗社會中的現實之情,溶入了社會、倫理、道德、金錢等世俗觀念,具有廣泛的社會內容和現實基礎。
- One thing that needs to be pointed out here is that the three stages divided in this thesis are by no means applicable to Updike"s literary career in a strict chronological order. 但是在厄普代克的作品卻沒有提供解決問題的明確答案。其中的原因可能有兩個:第一是由於他在作品創作中所奉行的模糊準則,第二則是由於他的探索之路並未結束。
- The main artistic style of Luxun"s literary inditing expressed a lot of literature characters, but among them the outstanding is main subject of revenge. 魯迅的創作表現了很多文學母題,而其中一個表現較為突出、值得引起注意的是復仇母題。