- Shen Tang's water tower through exquisite tick, before penetrating Yemen, the corridors are built around the enclosure. 水神堂之鐘樓玲瓏透剔,前有掖門穿通,四周築有迴廊圍護。
- "Jiujiang shrine of Our Lady" and "Om Yin," Shen Tang is the water of the main building, with something to watch and the Office of dragon and tiger corridors. 「九江聖母祠」和「觀音庵」是水神堂的建築主體,配有東西觀賞廳和龍虎廊。
- Qi Zhu Er Shen Tang treat diabetes-II 53 example curative effect observation 芪術二參湯治療II型糖尿病53例療效觀察
- Li Bai and Du Fu were two great geniuses in the Tang dynasty. 李白和杜甫是唐代的兩位偉大的天才。
- Du Mu is a famous poet and poser in the late Tang Dynasty. 杜牧是晚唐時期著名的詩人與散文家。
- Tang Yin was a native of Wu County and a student of Shen Zhou. 唐寅(1470-1523),吳縣人。唐寅也是沈周的學生。
- Poetry was blooming in China in the Tang dynasty. 中國的詩歌在唐代十分盛行。
- sheep pen in Hong Kong, Shen Tang Yan, wood Tower Road, Xu Jiashan, Lo-foot, Zhang home, five feet high, Taiwan, Huang Feng, head Xi Ling, Ma Yan 10 villagers and 30 villages. 羊圈港、神堂岩、木路塔、許家山、蘆子足、張家裡、高五足、黃台豐、西嶺頭、馬連岩10個村委會,30個自然村。
- Even Uncle Tang lost control of himself for a moment. 有一陣子連唐大叔都控制不住自己了。
- The scholar narrowed his interest to Tang poetry. 這位學者的興趣局限於唐詩。
- Du Fu, Gao Shi are the poets who lived on the Tang Dynasty poetic world. 摘要杜甫、高適同為活躍於盛唐詩壇上的詩人,相互間有數次同游,並在交往中結下了深厚的情誼。
- Self-prepared Bao Shen Tang 自擬保腎湯
- The next station: Guang Du, end of Line one. 下一站:廣都,這是一號線終點站。
- Fe pa du ki ad urba. She was going to town. 她(過去)是去(往)城她(過去)正去往城裡.
- Le chapeau gris ne va pas du tout avec votre teint. 灰帽子和您的臉色一點都不配。
- After he retired, Shen bought a palatial mansion. 離職以後,沈先生買了一座宮殿式的別墅。
- The Tang Dynasty is a period remarkable for its liberality. 唐朝是一段以開明著稱的時期。
- shen tang 神堂
- May I serve the Cotes du Rhone now,sir? 先生,現在可以上葡萄酒了嗎?
- The Du Fu rs Cottage is a commemorative museum. 杜甫草堂是一座紀念館。