- She keeps talking behind my back. 她老是在背後說我壞話。
- I don't appreciate you talking behind my Back. 我不欣賞你在背後說我。
- Don't talk behind my back. 不要背後說。
- He has the impudence to take things behind my back! 他背著我拿東西真不害臊!
- I could bake a better cake with one arm tied behind my back! 我可以輕而易舉地烘烤出一隻更好的蛋糕。
- God help the agent who goes behind my back and talk to the press. 上帝保佑那個背著我給媒體報信的人。
- This meeting was held behind my back. 這次會議是背著我召開的。
- I could beat him with one arm tied behind my back. 我可以輕而易舉地打敗他。
- He bought the car behind my back. 他背著我買了輛車。
- Have you been talking about me behind my back? 你們是不是在背後說我的閑話?
- He grabbed me and twisted my arm behind my back. 他抓住我,把我的胳膊扭到背後。
- I'll fight you with one paw tied behind my back. 我會用一隻爪子綁在背後跟你們打。
- They went ahead and sold it behind my back. 他們徑自背著我把它賣了。
- They were doing it just behind my back. 他們背著我侮辱他。
- Everyone is laughing at me behind my back. 大家都在背後笑話我。
- He has the impudenceto take things behind my back! 他背著我拿東西真不害臊!
- You have been operating behind my back. 你在我背後搗鬼。
- Don; t talk to me when i'm calculating. 在我計算的時候請別和我說話。
- He spoke against me behind my back. 他背地裡說我壞話。
- Don』t talk around the issue. Get to the point. 別繞彎子了,說關鍵的問題吧!