- On Monday or Tuesday, say no to anything that comes your way and involves shuffling around work or personal projects.You just don't have enough time or space quite yet! 周一或周二,不要做任何妨礙你工作或個人計劃的事情,因為你時間和空間都沒那麼充裕。
- I wouldn't say no to a cup of tea. 我是不會拒絕一杯茶的。
- I dare say he wouldn't say no to a brandy. I want one too. 我想他是會樂意接受一杯白蘭地的,我也想來一杯。
- I don't know how you can have the heart to say no to the poor child. 我不知道你怎麼能忍心拒絕那個可憐的孩子。
- Say no to disposable containers when possible, such as using refillable cleaning products if you don』t make your own. 這是十分有益的。
- Our teacher never said no to our requests. 我們的老師是有求必應的。
- Well,I wouldn't say no to a holiday on the beach. 嗯,我倒挺願意去海濱度假。
- So say No to that doughnut and burger . 所以,就讓我們向油炸圈和夾肉餅說"不"吧。
- We end up living a very restricted version of ourselves if we don』t start creating stronger boundaries by learning to say no to outrageous energy suckers. 如果不在他們和我們之間建立嚴格的界線,不學會對那些無節制能量吞噬者說不,最終我們都將生活在一個受限制的模式內。
- I wouldn't say no to a cup of coffee. 好吧,就來杯咖啡。
- Say no to drugs. Don't gamble your life away. 拒絕毒品,別拿生命做賭注。
- I couldn't say no to him, he was just too smooth! 我不知道如何拒絕他,因為他太有魅力!
- Learn to say no to people that invade your privacy. 學會對侵犯你的隱私的人說不。
- You should never say no to a gift from a child. 永遠不要拒絕一個孩子贈與的禮物。
- His mother never said no to any request the child might make. 這孩子的母親從來沒有拒絕過他提出的要求。
- I wouldn't say no to a glass of beer. 我不會拒絕一杯啤酒。
- Well, I will not say no to holiday on the beach. 嗯,我倒挺願意去海濱度假。
- I have to say no to your suggestion. 徐: 對你的提議我不能同意。
- So say No to that doughnut and burger. 所以,就讓我們向油炸圈和夾肉餅說"不"吧。
- Say NO to Japan's UNSC permanent membership scheme. 對倭國聯合國常任理事國企圖說不!