- "詞典對""doh""所做的解釋是:""表達當發現事情朝壞的、不隨人意的方向發展或某人說了傻話、做了蠢事時的情緒""(""」Doh」 is now defined as 「Expressing frustration at the realization that things have turned out badly or not as planned, or that one has just said or done something foolish,」 according to the new entry in the dictionary. "
- 古老莊嚴的《牛津英文詞典》(20卷)收錄了約700,000單詞。不過最近詞典的編撰者發現漏掉了一個單詞:Doh!。The venerable 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary contains about 700,000 words, but the editors recently realized they were missing one: Doh!