- meank-means
- K-mean演算法K-mean
- 你還想讓我teach you how to climb up the tree,You are a very bad animal.
- mean-shift演算法mean-shift algorithm
- mean-shift方法mean-shift algorithm
- 儘管微軟公司的標語「Where do you want to go today?」Although Microsoft's slogan @Where do you want to go today?
- mean-shift跟蹤mean-shift tracking
- you?你怎麼啦?What's the matter with
- 英語中,不定式往往與"to"字連用。In English an infinitive is often used with the word "to".
- Mean-Variance-Skewness模型Mean-Variance-Skewness model
- i owe youI. O. U.
- (接「to」)排他性的適用於特定的種類、情況或者地點。(followed by'to') applying exclusively to a given category or condition or locality.
- 如果我初次同某人見面,我講「how do you do」合適嗎?Is it appropriate to say "how do you do" if I meet someone for the first time ?
- TO試劑TO
- TO封裝TO packaging
- 如果你遇到這樣的場合,人們會說"Can you lend a hand?"And if you have a situation like that, everyone always says "Can you lend a hand?"
- 在視覺跟蹤領域,Mean Shift演算法是一個非常優秀的演算法,是國外最近幾年才發展起來的。Mean Shift is a very good algorithm in visual target tracking area.
- To病毒To virus
- thou是you古體形式。Thou is an archaic form of you.
- 介詞topreposition "to"