- This new set of Pukou focus areas, especially in Qinhuai District board. 這在新盤集中的浦口區、秦淮區板塊尤為明顯。
- Hon Eric LI raised a question on the appointment of Provisional District Board members to advisory committees. 李家祥議員就委任臨時區議會議員加入諮詢委員會提出質詢。
- The AMO helped the Sha Tin District Board in publishing a booklet introducing the history, monuments and traditions of the Sha Tin district. 此外,該辦事處又協助沙田區議會出版一本介紹該區歷史、古迹及傳統的小冊子。
- Has the Josephs Chan incident increased/decreased your confidence towards District Board members? 本區前任區議員陳金龍事件有冇增加或減少你對一般區議員既信任程度?
- The AMO helped the Sha Tin District Board in publishing a booklet introducing the history,monuments and traditions of the Sha Tin district. 此外,該辦事處又協助沙田區議會出版一本介紹該區歷史、古迹及傳統的小冊子。
- Lee, W.L. and Lo, T.W. (1994). Report on the Study of Youth Problems in Southern District. Hong Kong: Southern District Board, 71pp. 李永年、盧鐵榮(1994)《南區青少年問題研究報告書》香港:南區區議會,共71頁。
- Congratulations to our 12th-grade/Chinese Chess teacher, Dr.Chang, for his election to the Somers School District Board of Education. 恭喜本校十二年級及棋藝班的教師張一飛博士當選Somers 學區教育委員.
- "Hsu District Board premises were solely the housing property on the grounds of non-Dongming father rejected our request. 「而徐匯區房地局僅以該處房屋產權人非董銘的父親為由就拒絕了我們的請求」。
- Each Provisional District Board operated a meet-the-public scheme,under which residents could meet board members face-to-face to express their views on any district problems. 各臨時區議會均推行會見市民計劃,讓居民約見區議員,就區內問題發表意見。
- Each Provisional District Board operated a meet-the-public scheme, under which residents could meet board members face-to-face to express their views on any district problems. 各臨時區議會均推行會見市民計劃,讓居民約見區議員,就區內問題發表意見。
- To fill board orderly work, the development of applications for the district board schedule unregistered housing will be small or street, hours hours before registration. 為使補登工作有序進行,全市各區縣制定受理補登時間表,未登記房屋將按小區或街道,分時段受理登記申請。
- Huangpu District Board sanitation equipment Branch since the beginning of this year, from across the country began receiving phone manufacturers deodorant products. 黃浦區環衛局設備科自今年年初,就開始接到來自全國各地的除臭產品廠商電話。
- The chairman of the Provisional District Board was invited to attend District Management Committee meetings as an observer to improve communication between the committee and the board. 臨時區議會主席獲邀請列席地區管理委員會會議,以加強兩會之間的聯繫。
- In 1999-2000,these funds totalled $130 million for both the Provisional District Boards and the District Councils. 在一九九九至二零零零年度,臨時區議會和區議會共獲撥款1.;3億元。
- Each district committee comprised Provisional Regional Council members and other members co-opted from provisional district boards and the local community. 每個地區委員會皆由臨時區域市政局議員及來自臨時區議會和地方組織的增選委員組成。
- Parishes should monitor district-wide environmental matters and voice opinions as well as urge District Board members and Legislative Council members to promote and monitor the environmental situations in the district. 建議堂區監察區內環境事務,向政府反映意見,推動區議員及立法會議員監察地區環保情況。
- I am particularly keen to see the District Boards being given the support needed to let them play a fuller part in cleaning and greening their areas. 我尤其希望見到區議會獲得所需的支援,使它們得以在區內的清潔和綠化工作上,擔當更重要角色。
- In 1999-2000, these funds totalled $130 million for both the Provisional District Boards and the District Councils. 在一九九九至二零零零年度,臨時區議會和區議會共獲撥款1.;3億元。
- He has a lot of clout with the board of directors. 他對董事會有很大的影響力。
- From July 1,1997,18 Provisional District Boards,with members appointed by the Chief Executive,replaced the former District Boards. 由一九九七年七月一日起,全港18個臨時區議會取代了前身的區議會,議員由行政長官委任。