- Present George L. MacGregor Distinguished Chair Professor in Biomedical Science, UT-Southwestern. 美國德克薩斯大學西南醫學中心生物醫學科學傑出首席教授。
- Ho-Mou Wu Langrun Chair Professor of Economics. 巫和懋經濟學教授(朗潤講座教授)。
- Bei Dao, distinguished poet of China, honorary member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, chair professor of Chinese University of Hong Kong. 北島,著名中國詩人,美國藝術文學院終身榮譽院士,香港中文大學講座教授。
- Professor JSM Peiris, Chair Professor, Department of Microbiology. 微生物學系講座教授裴偉士教授。
- Professor Jess Seade has been appointed as Sydney SW Leong Chair Professor of Economics. Seade Jess教授獲嶺南大學聘任為梁紹榮經濟學講座教授。
- Professor Richard Basil Freadman has been appointed as Tong Tin Sun Chair Professor of English. Richard Basil Freadman教授獲嶺南大學聘任為唐天燊英文講座教授。
- Professor Malik Peiris, Chair Professor of Department of Microbiology.HKU Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine. 香港大學李嘉誠醫學院微生物學系講座教授裴偉士教授。
- Professor Lau Yu-lung, Chair Professor and Head, Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. 兒童及青少年科學系講座教授兼系主任劉宇隆教授。
- Professor Richard L. Davis has been appointed as Chair Professor of History, and also as Head of the Department of History. 戴仁柱教授獲嶺南大學聘任為歷史系講座教授,同時兼擔任歷史系系主任。
- W.Chan Kim is the Boston Consulting Group Bruce D.Henderson Chair Professor of Strategy and International Management at INSEAD. W.;陳金在INSEAD是策略和國際管理的波士頓諮詢集團布魯斯D
- Ho Chair Professor in Haematology and Oncology in the Department of Medicine, has been appointed as Acting Dean during the interim period until the new Dean assumes duty. 副院長兼何善衡血液及腫瘤科講座教授梁憲孫已被委任為代院長,直至新院長上任為止。
- Professor Vivian Wing-Wah Yam, Chair Professor of the Department of Chemistry, has been honoured with the second-class award for the category of State Natural Science Award SNSA. 這是首次有香港學者獲頒國家科學技術獎一等獎項。而化學系講座教授任詠華教授則獲得國家自然科學獎二等獎。
- Professor Tang is currently Chair Professor in Mathematics, Director of the Graduate School, and Director of the Peking University-HKBU Joint Research Institute for Applied Mathematics. 湯教授於一九九八年加入浸大,現為數學系講座教授、研究院院長和北京大學與香港浸會大學應用數學聯合研究所所長。
- Retired on 1 September 2009 after 14 years of service at HKBU, Professor Lam was Chair Professor of the Department of Finance and Decision Sciences (FDS) of the University's School of Business. 剛於今年九月一日榮休的林建教授為浸大工商管理學院財務及決策學系講座教授,服務浸大十四年。
- Einstein was distinguished for his originality. 愛因斯坦以其獨創性稱著。
- He was a distinguished publicist. 他是一位卓越的宣傳家。
- Chair professorship proves a successful innovation in talent recruitment at Tsinghua University. 摘要清華大學的講席教授制度是為了實施海外智力引進所推行的一種制度創新。
- Speeches distinguish human beings from animals. 人類和動物的區別在於人會說話。
- The donation has been used to endow a chair professorship, to set up a law library, and to enhance resources for teaching and research. 承蒙利博士惠賜捐款,我們得以設立法律學講座教授席、建置法律圖書館,並充實新學院的教研資源。
- Premier Zhou is a distinguished politician. 周總理是一位卓越的政治家。