- They throw her out of the house bag and baggage. 他們把她連同她的東西都扔出門外。
- They threw her out of the house bag and baggage. 他們把她連同她的東西都扔出門外。
- Didn't they throw her out? 難道他們沒把她趕出來嗎?
- I did not tell you to tell her to go; I told you to throw her out. 我不是要你叫她走,我叫你把她趕走。
- He gave his daughter an ultimatum: unless she stopped taking drugs he would throw her out of the house. 他給女兒下了最後通牒:她要是不戒毒,他就把她從家裡趕出去。
- He threw her out onto the street, bag and baggage. 他突然把她連人帶東西一股腦兒扔到大街上。
- I felt like throwing her out of the stadium. 我真想把她丟出運動場外。
- One example was Min Ziqian.When his father discovered how cruel his stepmother had been to him and wanted to throw her out, Min Ziqian interceded on her behalf. 譬如閔子騫,在父親知道繼母百般虐待他的真相,而要趕走繼母時,他卻極力予以挽留;
- Throw her down. So they threw her down: and some of her blood was sprinkled on the wall, and on the horses: and he trode her under foot. 耶戶說,把她扔下來。他們就把她扔下來。她的血濺在牆上和馬上。於是把她踐踏了。
- And he said, Throw her down. And they threw her down. And some of her blood spattered on the wall and on the horses, and he trampled her. 33耶戶說,把她扔下來。他們就把她扔下來。她的血濺在牆上和馬上;於是耶戶策馬把她踐踏了。
- The barman took her by the scruff of the neck and threw her out. 酒吧男招待一把揪住她的頸背,將她扔了出去。
- "Throw her down!" Jehu said. So they threw her down, and some of her blood spattered the wall and the horses as they trampled her underfoot. 33耶戶說,把她扔下來。他們就把她扔下來。她的血濺在牆上和馬上。於是把她踐踏了。
- And he said, Throw her down.So they threw her down: and some of her blood was sprinkled on the wall, and on the horses: and he trode her under foot. 耶戶說、把他扔下來.他們就把他扔下來.他的血濺在牆上、和馬上.於是把他踐踏了。
- She put her hoe, scythe and axe right beside the door. If anyone came to throw her out, she would seize one of these implements to show him that a woman like herself was not to be bullied. 她把鋤頭鐮刀以及斧頭之類,全放在進門地方,只消有人敢來把她拉出茅屋,她就得抓起一樣東西,首先給他們一下懲罰,使他們明白,她這樣的女人,是萬不能隨便加以欺負的。
- So they threw her down: and some of her blood was sprinkled on the wall, and on the horses: and he trode her under foot. 他們就把她扔下來。她的血濺在牆上和馬上。於是把她踐踏了。
- So they threw her down: and some of her blood was sp***nkled on the wall, and on the horses: and he trode her under foot. 他們就把她扔下來。她的血濺在牆上和馬上。於是把她踐踏了。
- Neilson refused Pulling open her door, the man seized her by the neck and hair, and threw her out of the car onto the ground. 尼爾森死命地拉緊車門,但兇徒抓住她的頭髮和脖子,硬是把她從車窗里生生地拽出來。
- A: Both are alcoholic cocktails, aren"t they? 兩杯含酒精的雞尾酒,對嗎?
- Why hadn』t they made sure that Tippy was tied up? 為什麼他們沒有確保把蒂皮拴住?
- A holiday would help to take her out of herself. 她要是去度假就能散散心。