- Destruction of Enemy Air Defences 防空摧毀敵方
- Dissolution or destruction of bacteria. 溶菌作用對細菌的溶解或破壞
- The destruction of the bridge checked the enemy's advance. 橋樑毀壞阻止了敵人的前進。
- Not to protest is to connive at the destruction of the environment. 對於破壞環境的行為不加反對就等於縱容。
- It will cause pollution and the destruction of our seas and oceans. 這會引起污染,破壞我們的海洋和江河。
- We all mourn the destruction of a well-loved building. 我們都為毀掉心愛的建築物而痛惜。
- Our machine-guns moved down the advancing lines of enemy infantrymen. 我們的機槍掃倒了向前推進的一排排敵人的步兵。
- The army penetrated the territory of enemy. 部隊進入敵人領土。
- We all mourn the destruction of the building. 我們對這所建築物的破壞都感到痛心。
- Our machine-guns mowed down the advancing lines of enemy infantrymen. 我們的機槍掃倒了向前推進的一排排敵人的步兵。
- The fire caused the destruction of my books. 這場大火使我的藏書被毀壞。
- We soon finished off the remnants of enemy forces . 我們很快就消滅了殘餘的敵軍。
- AI does not deploy outside of enemy gates. 電腦AI不會在敵人城門外展開。
- You do know something of the destruction of a Jedi. 你確實對如何消滅絕地武士有所了解。
- They are watching the move of enemy. 他們在監視敵人的行動。
- The destruction of Maldek was premeditated. 摧毀馬爾戴克是有預謀的。
- No invasion of enemy territory is ever undertaken. 對敵國領土也從來沒有進犯過。
- The dissolution or destruction of a cell. 細胞溶解細胞的溶解或破壞
- Our machineguns mowed down the advancing lines of enemy infantry men. 我們的機槍掃倒了向前推進的一排排敵方步兵。
- Intentional destruction of a human fetus. 非法墮胎故意毀掉胎兒