- Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy 國防部政策處助理副處長
- Deputy Under Secretary of the Army 陸軍部助理副部長
- Deputy Under Secretary (of the U.S. Department of States) 副國務卿幫辦
- Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering 國防部研究工程事務助理副部長
- Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Science and Technology 國防部科學技術助理副部長
- Deputy Under Secretary for Strategic and theater nuclear Forces 負責戰略和戰術核力量的副部長幫辦
- Deputy Under Secretary (of the U. S. Department of State) 副國務卿幫辦
- Principal Deputy Under Secretary for Research and Engineering 負責研究和工程的副部長
- Deputy Under secretary of the navy Financial Management and Comptroller 負責財務管理的海軍副部長幫辦
- Deputy Under Secretary of State 副助理國務卿
- At the close of World War II, Acheson was serving as Under Secretary of State. 在二戰接近尾聲時,艾奇遜擔任副國務卿。
- As for the Under Secretaries, their impact varies. 至於其它主管專門業務的副國務卿,他們的作用不盡相同。
- The Prime Minister stood the young Under Secretary in the corner for attacking government policies in a newspaper article. 首相公開譴責這位年輕的副部長在報上發表文章攻擊政府的政策。
- Bob started as under secretary of agriculture, then came to the White House as director of personnel and appointments. 鮑勃開始的時候做農業部的副部長,後來到白宮擔任人事和任命辦公室主任。
- In the meantime, I'd like to thank Under Secretary of Commerce Glassman for attending this banquet. 同時,我也要特別感謝美國商務部格拉斯曼副部長蒞臨晚宴。
- The Under Secretary of the Ministry of Transport and Roads, Daniel Wani, says reconstructing Juba's roads is not an easy task. 交通道路秘書管理部哇尼說,要重建朱巴的道路不是件簡單的工作。
- Joining Mr Tung in opening the Pavilion was the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Dr Denis MacShane, MP. 與董建華一同主持開幕禮的還有英國國會外交及聯邦事務部政務次官麥守謙博士。
- The StateDepartment's point man on Iran, Under Secretary of State Nicholas Burns, suggests Tehran'sreaction to stricter sanctions is another move in the wrong direction. 在伊朗方面的政府發言人尼古拉斯。波恩斯,同是他也是國家秘書處的,他暗示德黑蘭針對嚴格制裁的反應是朝錯誤方向又進了一步。
- The State Department's point man on Iran, Under Secretary of State Nicolas Burns suggests Tehran's reaction to stricter the sanctions is another move in the wrong direction. 美國國務院駐伊朗代表、副國務卿尼古拉斯。伯恩斯建議德黑蘭方面對更嚴厲的制裁的反應是另一個錯誤的舉動。
- Thanks to President Bush's negotiators, led by his 「Sherpa,」 Dan Price, and Treasury Under Secretary for International Affairs Dave McCormick, the following text is incredible. 感謝布希的談判者們(人名從略),下面的文本,是難以讓人置信的。