- Deng Xiaoping' s theory on education 鄧小平教育理論
- Deng Xiaoping s theory 鄧小平
- Deng Xiaoping' s Theory 鄧小平理論
- Deng Xiaoping theory is the Marxist-Leninist theory of our time. 摘要鄧小平理論是當代中國的馬克思主義。
- On the whole, Chinese nation s great rejuvenation needs Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong thoughts, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents. 從總體上講,中華民族偉大復興需要馬克思列寧主義、毛澤東思想、鄧小平理論和「三個代表」重要思想作指導。
- A perspective analysis on the research trend of Deng Xiaoping's Theory is made. 對鄧小平理論研究趨勢作了前瞻性分析。
- With the foundation of Deng Xiaoping』s 「twice leap theory」, in order to meet the needs of scientific farming and socialization of production, our rural area is actualizing the second leap. 根據鄧小平同志的「二次飛躍」理論,我國農村正在實現「第一次飛躍」向「第二次飛躍」的轉變,即適應科學種田和生產社會化的需要,發展適度規模經營,發展集體經濟。
- Then, how to hail Deng Xiaoping? 那末,對鄧小平如何稱道呢?
- Deng Xiaoping: It will, forever. 鄧小平:永遠要保留下去。
- All the Party members have steadily intensified their study of Deng Xiaoping Theory. 全黨對鄧小平理論的學習不斷深入。
- We made more intensive efforts to study and publicize Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents. 學習宣傳鄧小平理論和「三個代表」重要思想活動深入開展。
- The view of scientific development is an inheritance, innovation and development of Deng Xiaoping's theory. 科學發展觀是對鄧小平理論的繼承、新和發展。
- Uphold Deng Xiaoping Theory as our guide and constantly Bring forth theoretical innovation. 堅持以鄧小平理論為指導,不斷推進理論創新。
- Deng Xiaoping Theory is our banner, and the Party's basic line and program are the fundamental guidelines for every field of our work. 鄧小平理論是我們的旗幟,黨的基本路線和基本綱領是各項工作的根本指針。
- The three spirits inheres in Deng Xiaoping's Theory,and are the soul of Deng Xaoping's Theory. 並由此指出這三大精神是內在於鄧小平理論之中,是鄧小平理論精髓的具體內容。
- Deng Xiaoping's Theory about secretarial work is formed in his Practice of revolutionary strug-gle. 鄧小平的秘書工作理論,是在長期革命鬥爭實踐中形成的,是鄧小平理論的一個組成部分。
- Deng Xiaoping's theory of socialist harmoniousness society is a very important part of Deng Xiaoping's theory. 摘要鄧小平社會主義和諧社會思想是鄧小平理論體系中極為重要的內容。
- Deng Xiaoping's system construction thought is important constituent of Deng Xiaoping's Theory. 摘要鄧小平制度建設思想是鄧小平理論的重要組成部分。
- Deng Xiaoping's thinking of political authority is an important part of Deng Xiaoping Theory. 摘要鄧小平的政治權威思想是鄧小平理論的重要組成部分。
- Deng Xiaoping is 11 3 in the trailblazer that the theory of the party innovates since plenary meeting and founder. 鄧小平是十一屆三中全會以來黨的理論創新的開拓者和奠基人。