- She has a delicate taste for fashion. 她對時裝有敏銳的鑒賞力。
- He has a delicate taste in wines. 他對酒類有敏銳的鑒賞力。
- Cartier replica appeals to the most delicate taste. 卡地亞有著其獨特的品味。
- condensed chicken extract, a sheer delicate taste. 濃縮雞精,鮮味十足。
- ROOIBOS infusion can be used as a liquid substitute all recipes. adding a distinct yet delicate taste. ROOIBOS注入可以使用作為液體替補所有食譜。增加分明,並且精美口味。
- Valoux gives a rich mellowness, an astringent but delicate taste and an earthy aftertaste. 酒香芬芳濃郁,口感緊澀卻有著細膩高雅的質感,酒中飄逸著泥土的芬芳氣息。
- It is smooth and nice with soft tannins and plum and cherry flavors, mixed with the delicate taste of French oak. It has a high persistence. 入口圓潤,蘊含著些許丹寧、李子和櫻桃味道,混合著細膩的法國橡木味道,令人回味無窮。
- The delicate taste is attributed to the presence of granulated sugar, golden raisins, pineapple, apricots and light corn syrup. 那種微妙的味道來自於砂糖,上好的葡萄乾,鳳梨,杏子和少量玉米漿糖。
- It is well to be a gentleman,It is wel l to have a cultivated intellect,a delicate taste ,a candid ,equitable mind,a noble and courteous bearing in the conduct of life. 造就一個紳士誠為美事。有教養的才智,優雅的情趣,正直、公正而冷靜的頭腦,高貴而彬彬有禮的舉止--這些是與淵博的學識生來固有的品質, 它也是大學教育的目的。
- It has a very delicate taste. 這道菜味道很美。
- Powdery has a pumpkin base in Yiyang, Hunan Province, covering the area of 800 thousand mu and the main variety is Miben pumpkin with gold color, dense succulent, and delicate taste. 北京寶得瑞食品有限公司湖南益陽南瓜基地面積達80萬畝,主要品種為密本南瓜,它的肉色金黃,肉質緻密,口感細膩。
- Chateau Valoux is located in Graves, one of the five best brewery arenas in Boardeaux, France. Valoux gives a rich mellowness, an astringent but delicate taste and an earthy aftertaste. 瓦魯堡酒庄位於法國波爾多貝沙克雷奧蘭,為五大產酒區之一的格拉芙頂級紅酒產區。酒香芬芳濃郁,口感緊澀卻有著細膩高雅的質感,酒中飄逸著泥土的芬芳氣息。
- I prefer the taste of chicken to that of other kinds of fowl. 我比較喜歡吃雞而較不喜歡其他種類的家禽。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗熱雞湯對你有好處。
- Tasting notes: yellow straw colour, fruited;floral bouquet with hints of white Spring flowers;fresh, delicate taste. 口味:麥黃色、果香味,伴有微微的春花吐蕊般的酒香,口感清新細膩。
- After Uncle Peter had wrung his neck, Aunt Pitty had been beset by conscience at the thought of enjoying him, en famille, when so many of her friends had not tasted chicken for weeks, so she suggested company for dinner. 當彼得大叔扭斷它的脖子時,皮蒂姑媽忽然想起她的許多朋友都好幾個星期沒嘗到雞味了; 如果自己一家關起門來享用這頓美餐,那是良心過不去的,因此她建議請些客人來吃飯。
- Modern paintings are not to my taste. 現代畫不合我的口味。
- Give me an order of chicken curry. 給我來一份咖喱雞。
- Leave the chicken out overnight to thaw it out. 把這隻雞在外放一晚上就解凍了。
- She used up the chicken bones to make soup. 她把雞骨頭全用來熬湯了。