- No assessment on Axis V 軸Ⅴ無評估
- We have a low assessment on our property. 我們對我們的資產評估很低。
- No diagnosis on Axis V 軸Ⅴ無診斷
- "The largest bank in the risk assessment on the project. 「銀行最大的風險點在對項目的評估上。」
- Transactions are being prepared for a SOAP server deployed on AXIS 1.1. 交易是為部署在一台AXIS 1.;1上的SOAP伺服器準備的。
- Sanitary Assessment on In-turn-used Double-vault Dry Latrines in Rural Area. 雙坑交替式農村旱廁的衛生學評價。
- A wrong assessment on Iraq having WMDs led to an uncalled for war on Iraq. 一個錯誤的評估對伊拉克擁有大規模殺傷性武器導致了不必要的對伊拉克的戰爭。
- Using it to spray on axes and bore of bearing. 運用粉末複合電弧噴塗技術對軸類零件和軸承座內孔進行噴塗。
- Analysis and Assessment on Nutritive Ingredients in Grapefruit Varieties Introduced from U.S. 美國葡萄柚營養成分分析與評價。
- We conduct risk assessment on food safety, set food standards and recommend food safety control measures. 本署就食物安全進行風險評估,釐定食物安全標準,並建議食物安全管制的措施。
- The Department releases results of a risk assessment on aflatoxin contamination in food. 本署公布食物含有黃曲霉毒素的風險評估結果。
- The Senate Report was devastatingly critical of the CIA assessment on Iraq having weapons of mass destruction. 參議院的報告是毀滅性的批評中情局的評估對伊拉克擁有大規模殺傷性武器。
- The efficacy was assessed on the basis of a special score( Schone). 通過特定的評分制對療效進行了評估。
- Conduct assessment on equipment usage status in the market and suppliers maintenance services. 對於市場設備使用狀況及供應商維修服務做出評估。
- On technical matters, I defer to the experts. 在技術問題上,我遵從專家的意見。
- The efficacy was assessed on the basis of a special score (Schone). 通過特定的評分制對療效進行了評估。
- The paper constructs a theory model, which is used for EEE Assessment on common product or activities. 本文首先運用生命周期評價理論構建出對一般產品或活動進行經濟、環境、能源評價的理論模型;
- The diffracted light intensity on axis of a Spatial Light Modulator (SLM) with Multi-level Phase Fresnel Zone Plate (MPFZP) is studied by diffraction optical method. 摘要用衍射光學方法研究了加有多級相位菲涅爾波帶片(MPFZP)的空間光調製器(SLM)的軸上衍射光強。
- The above curve data illustrates the excellent S2.1M horizontal tweeter dispersion characteristics taken at 0 degrees (on axis), 15 degrees, 30 degrees, and 45 degrees off axis. 上圖曲線數據說明在0度(軸向),15度,30度,45度(偏離軸向),優秀的S2.;1M水平高音離散特性。
- The EQUIS accreditation lasts for 2.5 years, and It made a comprehensive quality assessment on ACEM in 10 modules. EQUIS的認證體系歷時2.;5年,它對交大安泰的10個認證模塊。進行了全方位的質量審查。