- She beguiled her days with reading. 她以閱讀消磨時日。
- Why are politicians no longer concerned with snowfall fights? 政客們為蝦米不再關注打雪仗了?
- She never looks back to the old days with regret. 她從不懷著悔恨的心情回顧過去。
- Mary was housed up for three days with a bad cold. 瑪麗因重感冒在屋裡呆了3天。
- She sometimes occupied her blank days with sewing. 她有時做做針線來消磨日子。
- I want to live out my days with you. 我希望能跟你白頭到老。
- He beguiled his days with reading. 他以讀書消磨日子。
- Camels can survive for many days with no water. 駱駝許多天不喝水還能生存。
- Busy days with no compass to guide you. 儘管忙碌的日子會讓你暫時迷失了方向。
- She filled her days with trivial tasks. 她讓一些瑣細的事務佔據了自己的全部時間。
- How about cloudy, overcast days with no sun? 在沒有太陽的多雲或烏雲密布的日子又會如何呢?
- Filling your days with song of rhyme. 我還是愛押韻的英譯詩,末段這樣用韻,可以嗎?
- The wandering tour saddens the days with sorrow. 無止盡的流離,讓生命更添哀戚,
- Wistfully,I look on those days with a feeling of nostalgia. 我真地對那段日子有一種懷舊之情。
- Now that I look back, those were days with a religious fervor. 回想起來,那些日子還帶點宗教似的熱誠。
- It is pallid and unimagined for the days with no good prospects. 沒有盼頭的日子是蒼白不可想象的。
- Now that I look back,those were days with a religious fervor. 回想起來,那些日子還帶點宗教似的熱誠。
- Wonder the days with you, it can't be called "ours" in fact. 想想同你的日子,,事實上那都不能說是「我們的」。
- And he stayed in Joppa for many days with one Simon, a tanner. 此後,彼得在約帕一個硝皮匠西門的家裡住了多日。
- The old man was very ill and lay many days with death staring him in the face. 那老人病得很重,已卧床多日,死到臨頭了。