- Taylor, Letitia Anne Peplau, David O. 放大圖片 作者: Shelley E.
- Taylor, Letitia Anne Peplau, Sears, David O. 書名/作者 Social psychology /Shelley E.
- The manager, David O』Leary, however, was no Mourinho. 可惜他的教練是奧來利,不是穆里尼奧。
- Outstanding performances and outrageous comedy make this smart, elating, poignant film from director David O. 豈料前途無可限量的畢卻終日擔心他的名模女友早晚會背他鬼混,還竟然成為偵探夫婦的另一名客人。
- The Village Guards were set up in 1984 and have long been accused of involvement in illegal activities, says the BBC's David O'Byrne in Istanbul. BBC的大衛在伊斯坦布爾報道說,「村莊護衛隊」是在1984年成立起來的,長期以來都被人們稱為是非法的活動組織。
- Selznick David O. 大衛·O·塞爾茲尼克
- David O'Connor 大衛·奧康納
- This is Bob o'Connor, and this is Gordon Weaver. 我是leoburns,這兩位是bobo'connor和gordonweaver.
- Glad to meet you, Professor O'Connor. 鄭先生:認識您很榮幸,o'oconnor教授。我們正盼著您的到來。
- Clarke, Daniel O'connor, Jason D. 放大圖片 作者: Duncan L.
- The shy men may be the very brethren of David. 那些羞怯男人大概就是大衛的教友們。
- David did not have a book to his name. 大衛沒有一本屬於他自己的書。
- David gave the door a kick and it flew open. 大衛一腳向門踹去,那門猛地開了。
- David won't go to the movies with Helen next week. 大衛下星期不和海倫一起去看電影。
- Hello? Thomas O'connor speaking. Can I talk to Page,please ? 喂?我是托馬斯。奧康納。請佩奇來聽電話好嗎?
- David's house is quite close to the Global Theater. 大衛的家離環球劇院很近。
- Closing time at this pub is eleven o' clock. 這酒館的打烊時間是十一點。
- David is famous for his billiards technic. 大衛因他的撞球技術而出名。
- We've got the OK from the council at last. 我們終於獲得了委員會的同意。
- David Jones rose to reply for the guests. 大衛瓊斯站起來代表來賓致答辭。