- New access-rights model for protect read- only translation unit via user group password. 新的訪問許可權模型用於經由用戶組口令保護只讀翻譯單元。
- New access - rights model for protect read - only translation unit via user group password. 新的訪問許可權模型用於經由用戶組口令保護只讀翻譯單元。
- This is a combination of the commands Select translation and Open previous translation unit. 這個命令是選擇譯文和打開上一個翻譯單元兩個命令的組合.
- This is a combination of the commands Select translation and Open next translation unit. 這個命令是選擇譯文和打開下一個翻譯單元兩個命令的組合.
- The DMMU consists of address translation unit (ATU) and double data rate (DDR) memory controller. 分散式記憶體管理單元包含位址轉換單元和雙倍資料率記憶體控制器。
- No translation unit shall contain more than one definition of any variable, function, class type, enumeration type or template. 翻譯單元中只能有任何變數,函數,類類型,枚舉類型或模板的唯一定義。
- The function, which instantiates the templated object in question is factored out such, that its definition is visible to only one translation unit. 問題在於,對模板對象進行實例化的函數,其定義僅在一個編譯單元中可見。
- Based on the theory of "functional sentence perspective" and of translation as a thinking process, this essay suggests that theme/rheme be used as a translation unit. 根據主/述位切分和翻譯思維的特點,本文提出有時可以主/述位理論為基礎來考慮翻譯的單位。
- In the Pre-Games period and at Games time, the translation unit will provide or facilitate translation services to all of the OCOG's al areas and to the Olympic Family. 在賽前或比賽期間,筆譯部門應為組委會職能部門和奧林匹克大家庭成員提供翻譯服務。
- To take text as translation unit and to establish the teacher-student interaction model in class is a relatively reasonable orientation in translation teaching for the English majors. 以篇章為翻譯單位、以師生互動為主要課堂模式,是對英語專業本科生翻譯教學的相對合理的定位。
- A declaration (clause 7) introduces names into a translation unit or redeclares names introduced by previous declarations. A declaration specifies the interpretation and attributes of these names. 聲明(章節7)向翻譯單元引入名字,或重新聲明之前聲明的名字。聲明指定了這些名字的解釋和性質。
- The names defined in the library have namespace scope (7.3). A C++ translation unit (2.1) obtains access to these names by including the appropriate standard library header (16.2). 在標準庫中定義的名字具有名字空間作用域(7.;3)。C++編譯單元(2
- However, instantiating this map for every token type, and perhaps within each translation unit (for some popular template instantiation strategies) increase compile time overhead and space overhead. 然而,為每個標記類型實例化該映射,並且可能在每個翻譯單元中都要實例化(因為某些流行的模板實例化策略),增加了編譯的時間開銷和空間開銷。
- Translation units are important because they have no dependencies on other files. 翻譯單元因獨立於其他文件而重要。
- Based on consent or agreement; contractual. 契約的根據一致同意或約定的; 合同的
- The linker resolves all external references and creates an executable program or DLL by combining one or more separately processed translation units along with standard libraries. 連接器解析所有的外部引用並通過將一個或多個單獨處理的翻譯單元。
- The implementation provides definitions for standard library entities, as necessary, while combining translation units to form a complete C++ program (2.1). 當將翻譯單元合併成完整C++程序(2.;1)時,實現應該根據需要提供標準庫實體的定義。
- The luminous intensity on unit area. 單位面積上的發光強度。
- I am making a verbal translation. 我正在逐字的翻譯。
- It is the translation of theories into practice. 這是理論到實踐的轉變。